Discourse Updates

As you may have noticed, we have updated this Discourse instance and added some plugins. I’ll briefly go over the main changes.

Discourse 3.0

This discourse instance is now on the latest version (thanks to @nobrowser for suggesting this). The most noticeable change is perhaps the new sidebar. Another big change is that we can now chat directly here on discourse.

Some of the changes are explained in more detail in this blog post: Discourse 3.0 is Here!


Thanks to @yutotakano we now have a more distinctive favicon:

Discourse Solved

We have also enabled the Discourse Solved plugin (thanks to @nomeata for suggesting this), which allows you to mark a response as the solution to your question so that others can more easily find it. The Solved mode has been enabled for the Learn category.

Math Plugin

Additionally, we have installed the Math plugin (thanks to @fishythefish for suggesting this), which means we can now write LaTeX. For example you can write a Fibonacci function like this:

f(n) = 
  0               & n = 0 \\
  1               & n = 1 \\
  f(n-1) + f(n-2) & n \geq 2

That will be rendered as follows:

f(n) = \begin{cases} 0 & n = 0 \\ 1 & n = 1 \\ f(n-1) + f(n-2) & n \geq 2 \end{cases}