Does it make sense to have a Range data type?

A common pattern is for_ of a list enumeration, like

for_ [0 :: Int .. 4] $ \i ->
  print i
-- 0
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- 4

The pattern works well but it doesn’t really express what we want. We don’t care to actually make a list; we just want to iterate over the increasing sequence of numbers. In practice GHC probably optimizes all this away to something much nicer, but it’s risky to rely on it: if [0 .. 1000 * 1000] occurs twice in our program then GHC may float it to the top level and materialise it. That’s a space leak!

Maybe we should have a Range type instead? For example, see below. I’m actually surprised I’ve never seen anything like this before. Of course, it can be adjusted to incorporate different step sizes too (including negative step sizes). What do folks think of it?

import Data.Foldable

data Range a where
  MkRange :: (Enum a, Ord a) => !a -> !a -> Range a

instance Foldable Range where
  foldMap f (MkRange i j) =
    if i > j
    then mempty
    else f i <> foldMap f (MkRange (succ i) j)

example =
  for_ (MkRange @Int 0 4) $ \i ->
    print i

-- ghci> example
-- 0
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- 4

This range data type is a special case of the Stream type used in stream fusion, e.g.:

The obvious advantage of lists is that its one less data type to keep in mind and learn about.

I think the best way to avoid the leak is just to teach GHC not to float out in these cases. And I think GHC already does not do that.

I suspect Stream is slower in practice, at least, that’s what seemed to be the conclusion of some investigation into fighting undesirable sharing in the streaming library (where a different, but similar, data type is also called Stream).

The obvious advantage of lists is that its one less data type to keep in mind and learn about.

Yes, I suppose so.

I think the best way to avoid the leak is just to teach GHC not to float out in these cases. And I think GHC already does not do that.

Could be. But sometimes maybe you do want to float lists out, when you expect them to be fully materialized. How would GHC distinguish those cases? In any case, it’s quite hard to default -ffull-laziness.

The streaming package (and conduit and pipes) uses a fundamentally different structure which indeed has the same problems as lists. They basically use a normal nested ADT, but the Stream I pointed to is a combination of a strict state and a step function. That step function prevents sharing.

Sure, but the discussion I linked shows that putting the next result behind a function call introduces an appreciable slowdown.

Isn’t the [0..4] notation just syntactic sugar for enumFromTo (and also enumFromThenTo in the [0,2..4] case) and those methods are pretty much always lazy, so basically just a generator. Just like how the Foldable Range instance does it (without implying Monoid; using (:) instead of the MkRange constructor; and the rest of the list being a thunk instead of just a number like in Range)

So I don’t really know what the Range type/instance is trying to fix/improve?

EDIT: I reread a bit and found

[…], if [0 .. 1000 * 1000] occurs twice in our program then GHC may float it to the top level and materialise it. That’s a space leak!

Right, that’s a good point, I guess :thinking:

Sorry, I didn’t click through. Still, your approach is also putting functions in the Range data type (in the form of the Enum type class). So I don’t expect that to be optimally performant either unless GHC can somehow optimize that away.

I have used a type like this before for work projects, inspired by Rust’s range support. I do dislike having to trust GHC to optimise things away that can be expressed directly very easily; at best it’s just adding to my already long compile-times. Relying on both stream-fusion and aggressive inlining to optimise away nested loops like forM_ [0..n] \x -> forM_ [0..m] \y -> _ just hasn’t worked that well in my experience, though it’s been a while since I last tried.

For Range you could use a pull array like data Range a = Range { length :: Int#, index :: Int# -> a } and get pretty good code regardless of how inlining/optimisation turns out. (It’s too bad using Int# and co is so cumbersome though.)

The difference is getting the critical information out of Ord and Enum when you construct the Range rather than when you fold over it. I’ve played around with the idea e.g. linear-base also has one Data.Array.Polarized.Pull although


Haskell is an imperative language, so use it like one!

main = do
  var <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
  fix \go -> do
    n <- readIORef var
    print n
    if n < 10 then writeIORef var (n + 1) >> go else pure ()
1 Like

Does for (liftA2 (,) [0..n] [0..m]) $ \(x, y) -> _ help you out at all?

Looking at some GHC Core now. So to be fair to GHC (9.6.4), actually it does turn my original example into a nice loop. Using liftA2 unfortunately does seem to make it have to instantiate a list to match on. In any case I just don’t think the tradeoff is worth it, it’s not hard to make a simple range type or to write loops the old fashioned way :slight_smile:. I think Rust has it right in making ranges their own type.

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What about an interval ?

But I would have thought [first, step .. last] where first, step and last were all constants would be an exceedingly-rare scenario to worry about - at least one would be a parameter in the vast majority of cases…

…and one where said imperativity can also be encapsulated, if externally visible side-effects aren’t needed:

runST :: (forall s . ST s a) -> a

And then I assume you will point anyone who encounters this incredibly particular problem to that Range type instead of any other solution?

This is not going to change any time soon. Using unboxed datatypes in normal code is tying yourself to GHC internals, which will happily change without notifying you because PVP does not apply.

@mixphix’s answer is ultimately the correct one: the language has the tools for writing imperative code, you don’t need to rely on optimizations here.

I’m not sure what you mean. Are you suggesting this pattern arises rarely? Or that it rarely causes a problem?

The world’s finest! This is what it looks like in my forthcoming effect system, Bluefin:

main = do
  evalState 0 $ \sn -> do
    withJump $ \break -> forever $ do
      n <- get sn
      print n
      when (n >= 0) (jump break)
      modify sn (+ 1)
1 Like

Yes, the pattern is rare, and I don’t expect people to use that in places where performance is critical.

This doesn’t need effect systems, it just needs a control flow. ST (or IO) is more than enough for any such case.

Then what would they use instead? That’s in fact the point of my question. What do you use instead of for_ [1 .. n] when performance is critical?

You’re absolutely right! I’m just showing off something I’m proud of.

Now that I think of it you can just write a custom loop:

loop :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
loop m work = go 1
    go n
      | n > m     = pure ()
      | otherwise = do
          work n
          go (n + 1)

It’s trivial to test and it can be customized for the specific case that needs it.

The imperative approach with mutable state becomes a good idea when there are many variables that are updated sparsely, this case doesn’t even need it.

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The loop approach is I think the best one if you really really care about performance.

I think from when I last looked into it:

  1. Passing arguments to functions is much faster than getting them into and out of IORefs
  2. Values in IORefs are not unboxed (this can matter a lot), but GHC will pretty-reliably use worker-wrapper to unbox the Int argument to a function.

I don’t know of any approach faster than passing an unboxed Int# as a function argument.

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Does anyone have an actual example where GHC (9.8) floats out an enumeration [a..b] when fusion would otherwise be possible?