Over at Dependency version bounds are a lie I argued that manually maintained dependency bounds are both annoyingly tediuos and also regularly wrong, at least in the sense that they are not actually tested by CI.
From the ensuing discussion I can conclude that the dependency bounds in your .cabal
file should
- never be written manually (yay!), and instead should
- always be derived from what you are actually doing on CI.
The last point made me write a new tool, cabal-plan-bounds
, that takes multiple of Cabal build plans (plan.json
), and changes the dependency version ranges in the .cabal
file to reflect the versions that are actually used on CI. I hope eventually this functionality will come with cabal
, but for now a separate tool allows quick experimentation with this idiom.
A nice CI setup
The cabal-plan-bounds
tool is but a small building block to whatever simple or sophisticated Setup you build around it, and in this post I want to show off and walk through a possibly setup I conceived for a typical Haskell library (using candid
, but that doesn’t matter here), with the following nice properties:
The build matrix is not hard-coded in
, but instead there is a directoryci-configs
with one Cabal config file per configuration.Each file defines one GHC version and possibly a stackage package I want to support, and hence test against:
$ ls ci-configs/ ghc-8.10.7.config ghc-9.2.4.config ghc-9.4.4.config stackage-nightly.config ghc-9.0.2.config ghc-9.2.5.config stackage-20.5.config
These files look as follows:
$ cat ci-configs/ghc-8.10.7.config import: cabal.project active-repositories: hackage.haskell.org:merge index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2022-12-21T10:40:48Z with-compiler: ghc-8.10.7 $ cat ci-configs/stackage-20.5.config import: cabal.project active-repositories: hackage.haskell.org:merge index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2023-01-05T07:18:37Z import: https://www.stackage.org/lts-20.5/cabal.config with-compiler: ghc-9.2.5
By pinning the
, the subsequent package resolution should be deterministic. -
The CI setup dynamically creates one build job for each of these files. No need to edit the Github workflow definition under normal circumstances, even if you add support for new GHC versions.
Instead, just drop a new file in that directory, delete some, bump the
time stamp etc. -
The build plan of all these jobs are combined, passed to
and the.cabal
file is updated. -
If the
file is unchanged, all is well, and CI is green, else it complains.When it complains, it shows a
of the.cabal
file which you can apply manually. Or you set theupdate-bounds
label on the Pull Request, and CI will simply push the fixed.cabal
file to the branch.
This is how it will look like on Github:
And here is the auto-generated change to the .cabal file
commit 3e7e17d4034c40e05c841aea64a3ea26c9016fb3 (origin/pr/22)
Author: nomeata <nomeata@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Thu Jan 5 14:38:31 2023 +0000
Update cabal bounds based on build plans
diff --git a/candid.cabal b/candid.cabal
index 21a07d6..1b05e65 100644
--- a/candid.cabal
+++ b/candid.cabal
@@ -47,42 +47,42 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing
- base >=4.12 && <5,
- text >= && <2.1,
- dlist >= && <1.1,
- vector >= && <0.14,
- bytestring >= && <0.12,
- mtl >=2.2.2 && <2.4,
- transformers >= && <0.7,
- hex-text >= && <0.2,
- crc >= && <0.2,
- megaparsec >=8 && <9.4,
- parser-combinators >=1.2 && <1.4,
- scientific >= && <0.4,
- cereal >= && <0.6,
- leb128-cereal ==1.2.*,
- containers >= && <0.7,
- unordered-containers >= && <0.3,
- row-types > && < 1.1,
- constraints >=0.12 && <0.14,
- prettyprinter >=1.7 && <1.8,
- template-haskell,
- base32 >= && <0.3,
- split >= && <0.3,
- file-embed
+ base ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=,
+ text ^>= || ^>=2.0.1,
+ dlist ^>=1.0,
+ vector ^>= || ^>=,
+ bytestring ^>= || ^>=,
+ mtl ^>=2.2.2,
+ transformers ^>=,
+ hex-text ^>=,
+ crc ^>=,
+ megaparsec ^>=9.2.1 || ^>=9.3.0,
+ parser-combinators ^>=1.3.0,
+ scientific ^>=,
+ cereal ^>=,
+ leb128-cereal ^>=1.2,
+ containers ^>=,
+ unordered-containers ^>=,
+ row-types ^>=,
+ constraints ^>=0.13.4,
+ prettyprinter ^>=1.7.1,
+ template-haskell ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=,
+ base32 ^>=,
+ split ^>=,
+ file-embed ^>=
executable hcandid
main-is: hcandid.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing
- base ==4.*,
+ base ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=,
- optparse-applicative >= && <0.18,
- text >= && <2.1,
- bytestring >= && <0.12,
- hex-text >= && <0.2,
- prettyprinter >=1.6.2 && <1.8
+ optparse-applicative ^>=,
+ text ^>= || ^>=2.0.1,
+ bytestring ^>= || ^>=,
+ hex-text ^>=,
+ prettyprinter ^>=1.7.1
test-suite test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@@ -96,23 +96,23 @@ test-suite test
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing -rtsopts
- base ==4.*,
- tasty >=0.7 && <1.5,
- tasty-hunit >= && <0.11,
- tasty-smallcheck >=0.8.1 && <0.9,
- tasty-quickcheck >=0.10 && <0.11,
- tasty-rerun >=1.1.17 && <1.2,
- smallcheck >=1.2 && <1.3,
+ base ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=,
+ tasty ^>=1.4.3,
+ tasty-hunit ^>=,
+ tasty-smallcheck ^>=0.8.2,
+ tasty-quickcheck ^>=0.10.2,
+ tasty-rerun ^>=1.1.18,
+ smallcheck ^>=1.2.1,
- bytestring >= && <0.12,
- text >= && <2.1,
- vector >= && <0.14,
- prettyprinter >=1.6.2 && <1.8,
- unordered-containers >= && <0.3,
- row-types > && < 1.1,
- directory >= && <1.4,
- filepath >= && <1.5,
- template-haskell
+ bytestring ^>= || ^>=,
+ text ^>= || ^>=2.0.1,
+ vector ^>= || ^>=,
+ prettyprinter ^>=1.7.1,
+ unordered-containers ^>=,
+ row-types ^>=,
+ directory ^>=,
+ filepath ^>=,
+ template-haskell ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
test-suite doctest
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ test-suite doctest
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -threaded
- base ==4.*,
+ base ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=,
- doctest,
- row-types > && < 1.1,
- leb128-cereal ==1.2.*,
- prettyprinter >=1.6.2 && <1.8
+ doctest ^>=0.20.1,
+ row-types ^>=,
+ leb128-cereal ^>=1.2,
+ prettyprinter ^>=1.7.1
source-repository head
type: git
Looks silly doing that kind of change by hand, doesn’t it?
The commented workflow file
So how does it work? You can have a look at the pull request against candid
introducing this setup, or let me simply walk through the .github/workflows/test.yaml
file here:
name: Haskell CI
branches: [master]
types: [opened, reopened, synchronize, labeled]
We want to react also on new labels on a PR, so we subscribe to the labeled
event type as well.
Enumerating the build configuration
We need a first job to list the files in ci-configs
and make that available, as a JSON array and via a job output, to the subsequent job:
name: Enumerate CI configurations
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
configs: ${{ steps.enumerate.outputs.configs }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- id: enumerate
run: |
ls -1 ci-configs/| grep -o -P '.*(?=.config)'| jq -n -R -c '[inputs]' | tee configs.json
echo "configs=$(cat configs.json)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
The build matrix
We use this output in the next job build
, which needs to depend on enumerate
, and uses that output in the build matrix. This way, we get one job for every file in ci-configs/
needs: enumerate
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
plan: ${{ fromJSON(needs.enumerate.outputs.configs) }}
Setting up the build cache
Haskell on Github Actions is no fun without caching the Cabal store. We key the store on the build configuration (else we run into concurrency issues):
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: cache cabal store
uses: actions/cache@v3
key: cabal-store-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.plan }}-${{ github.sha }}
path: ~/.cabal/store
restore-keys: cabal-store-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.plan }}-
Derive GHC version from the cabal config
A key convenience here is that we don’t have to explicitly configure the GHC version to use, as we can find that data in the ci-config/*.config
file. I use grep
to get it out; not very robust, but simple enough.
(I find it more and more strange that cabal
cannot simply treat the compile like the other dependencies of my project: With a versioned dependency in the .cabal
file, and fetched on demand. I believe it would simplify quite a few things.)
- name: Detect GHC version
run: |
ver=$(grep -o -P '(?<=with-compiler: ghc-).*' ci-configs/${{ matrix.plan }}.config)
echo "Detected compiler version $ver in ci-configs/${{ matrix.plan }}.config"
echo "ghc_version=$ver" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: haskell/actions/setup@v2
ghc-version: ${{ env.ghc_version }}
Build and test, as usual
Finally, a normal build step. The only difference to what you might have in your project is the --project-file
- name: Build
run: |
cabal build --project-file "ci-configs/${{ matrix.plan }}.config"
cabal test --project-file "ci-configs/${{ matrix.plan }}.config"
Store the build plan
Finally, we need to get our hands on the plan.json
and store it as an artifact. Very conveniently, uploading Github artifacts from multiple jobs in the same workflow will just accumulate.
Storing the build plan as an artifact can be independently useful, to debug problems, as the build log does not necessarily tell you everything about the used versions.
- run: mv dist-newstyle/cache/plan.json plan-${{ matrix.plan }}.json
- name: Upload build plan as artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: plans
path: plan-${{ matrix.plan }}.json
Check and update the version bounds
And finally the special sauce: We use the build plans from above to check and the .cabal
I make static builds of cabal-plan-bounds
, which we can download and unpack here. If this tool becomes more popular, we could bundle these three lines in a dedicated Github Action, but for now curl
works fine. You can (and maybe should) pin a specific version rather than using latest
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Calculate cabal bounds
- build
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Fetch cabal-plan-bounds
run: |
curl -L https://github.com/nomeata/cabal-plan-bounds/releases/latest/download/cabal-plan-bounds.linux.gz | gunzip > /usr/local/bin/cabal-plan-bounds
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cabal-plan-bounds
The plans can be downloaded as an artifact
- name: Load plans
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: plans
path: plans
Now we run the tool on the plans, and use git diff
to show possible changes performed:
- run: cabal-plan-bounds plans/*.json -c candid.cabal
- run: git diff candid.cabal
Auto-update on demand
Few things more annyong that having to do manually something because CI complains, when CI could just do them for you. Therefore, if the update-bounds
label is set on the PR, simply push the new .cabal
file to the repo:
- name: Push updated .cabal file if labeled update-bounds
if: contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'update-bounds')
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
commit_message: Update cabal bounds based on build plans
file_pattern: '*.cabal'
Else fail
If there was a change (and we did not push that change), fail the build, as it means that the Cabal bounds are not as they should be:
- name: Fail if .cabal file was changed
run: git diff-files --quiet candid.cabal|| exit 1
Can I haz that too?
Yes you can! Just follow that example, let me know if cabal-plan-bounds
is not serving you well, and spread the word if it does.
This setup can need more refinement (automatic regular bumping of index-state
, and even more convenience around changing the bounds) – feel free to share your ideas here.