Errors while building polysemy for WASM

I’m trying to compile a project (GitHub - disco-lang/disco: Functional teaching language for use in a discrete mathematics course) to WASM, using haskell-wasm / ghc-wasm-meta · GitLab (GHC 9.10 flavour). Currently, however, compilation fails with this error:

$ wasm32-wasi-cabal build disco:exe:disco-wasm
Error: [Cabal-7125]
Failed to build polysemy- (which is required by exe:disco-wasm from disco-0.1.6). The failure occurred during the configure step. The exception was:
  /home/brent/.ghc-wasm/.cabal/logs/ghc- withFile: user error (Error: cabal: '/home/brent/.ghc-wasm/wasm32-wasi-ghc/bin/wasm32-wasi-ghc'
exited with an error:
wasm-ld: error: unable to find library -lHSrts-1.0.2_thr
wasm32-wasi-clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to
see invocation)
wasm32-wasi-ghc- `wasm32-wasi-clang' failed in phase `Linker'.
(Exit code: 1)

Any ideas on how to get around this? Or is the polysemy dependency a no-go?

The branch where I’m working on this is here: GitHub - disco-lang/disco at web-ui

The immediate problem here is that polysemy uses build-type: Custom for doctests. This is easy to patch out (just change to build-type: Simple.

However, the deeper problem is that you also use polysemy-plugin, and plugins aren’t supported when cross-compiling (see #14335). There might be a way around this via external static plugins, but I am not sure if anyone has successfully used this with the Wasm backend so far. So I don’t think it is possible to make progress here :cry: (without sprinkling type applications to avoid polysemy-plugin).


Thanks! I’ll try and see how painful it will be to sprinkle type applications to avoid polysemy-plugin.

Update: I removed polysemy-plugin and was able to sprinkle enough type applications to get the whole thing to compile! Now I am just back to the regular problem of having no idea what I’m doing when it comes to web stuff.


You can probably do something with the Haskell type system to get better inference in one class of cases where the plugin is needed Inference helper class · Issue #23 · re-xyr/cleff · GitHub (e.g. when there is just one Reader in your effect stack so ask is unambiguous).