Hey guys,
I’m currently trying to play some notes with the Haskell Euterpea library. I’m using yoshimi as a synthesizer software. My Problem is, for some odd reason the first note gets skipped, only the second, third and so on are played. No matter what melody I try to play, its always the same. Someone has the same problem or an idea how to fix it?
module Main (main) where
import Euterpea
hNote :: Dur -> Pitch -> Int -> Music Pitch
hNote d p h = note d p :=: note d (trans (-h) p)
mel :: Music Pitch
mel = hNote qn (F,4) 3 :+: hNote qn (A,4) 4 :+: hNote qn (F,4) 3
main :: IO()
main = do
play mel
Thank u for any help