GHC 9.10.1 is now available!

@mpilgrem GHC musl image is available now:

  • Base image updated to alpine:3.20
    • Package clang18 added
  • LLVM v18 backend forced by patch
  • cabal-install updated to v3.12.0.0-prerelease
    • i.e. cabal-install v3.11.0.0

Cross references:

I have created a pull request to update Stack’s Dev Containers.

Cross reference: Dev Container: Add 'GHC 9.10.1' by benz0li · Pull Request #6595 · commercialhaskell/stack · GitHub


Hi! Thank you for the awesome work on the exception backtraces. I have been playing around with them a bit and have encountered a few issues, so I went digging. Now that I did, I found that portions of the proposal seems to be missing, for example, I couldn’t find the rethrowing mechanisms (there seem to even be open CLC proposals on that topic) and while the toplevel handler of the RTS itself seem to be adjusted, this doesn’t seem to be the case for GHCi/ runghc. Is there some place where I can find out about the status of things?