GHC 9.2.1-rc1 is now available!

The GHC team is very happy to announce the availability of the
release cadidate of the 9.2.1 release. Binary distributions, source
distributions, and documentation are available at

GHC 9.2 will bring a number of exciting features including:

  • A native code generation backend for AArch64, significantly reducing
    compilation times on ARM platforms such as the Apple M1.

  • Many changes in the area of records, including the new
    RecordDotSyntax and NoFieldSelectors language extensions, as well
    as Support for DuplicateRecordFields with PatternSynonyms.

  • Introduction of the new GHC2021 language extension set, giving
    users convenient access to a larger set of language extensions which
    have been long considered stable.

  • Merge of ghc-exactprint into the GHC tree, providing infrastructure
    for source-to-source program rewriting out-of-the-box.

  • Introduction of a BoxedRep RuntimeRep, allowing for polymorphism
    over levity of boxed objects (#17526)

  • Implementation of the UnliftedDataTypes extension, allowing users
    to define types which do not admit lazy evaluation (proposal)

  • The new -hi profiling mechanism which provides significantly
    improved insight into thunk leaks.

  • Support for the ghc-debug out-of-process heap inspection library

  • Support for profiling of pinned objects with the cost-centre profiler

  • Introduction of Haddock documentation support in TemplateHaskell (#5467)

Thank you to GitHub, IOHK, the Zw3rk stake pool, Tweag I/O, Serokell,
Equinix, SimSpace, and other anonymous contributors whose on-going
financial and in-kind support has facilitated GHC maintenance and
release management over the years. Moreover, this release would not have
been possible without the hundreds of open-source contributors whose
work comprise this release.

As always, do give this a try and open a ticket if you see anything amiss.

Happy testing,

  • Ben

Tried to build from source and I got:

compiler/GHC/Prelude.hs:41:8: error:
    Could not find module ‘GHC.Bits’
    Perhaps you meant
      GHC.Exts (from base-
      GHC.List (from base-
    Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
41 | import GHC.Bits as Bits hiding (shiftL, shiftR)
   |        ^^^^^^^^

Thanks for the report, @vmchale! Indeed it looks like this slipped through CI as we only test bootstrapping with GHC 8.10 currently. It looks like the CPP bounds need to be shifted up.

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Is there a chance to pick more changes from ghc-9.2 haddock branch?


Thanks for update and quick reply, I am also looking for same issue, Really appreciate for help.