GHC 9.8.4 is now available

The GHC developers are happy to announce the availability of GHC 9.8.4. Binary
distributions, source distributions, and documentation are available on the
release page.

This release is a small release fixing a few issues noted in 9.8.3, including:

  • Update the filepath submodule to avoid a misbehavior of splitFileName under Windows.

  • Update the unix submodule to fix a compilation issue on musl platforms

  • Fix a potential source of miscompilation when building large projects on 32-bit platforms

  • Fix unsound optimisation of prompt# uses

A full accounting of changes can be found in the release notes. As
some of the fixed issues do affect correctness users are encouraged to
upgrade promptly.

We would like to thank Microsoft Azure, GitHub, IOG, the Zw3rk stake pool,
Well-Typed, Tweag I/O, Serokell, Equinix, SimSpace, Haskell Foundation, and
other anonymous contributors whose on-going financial and in-kind support has
facilitated GHC maintenance and release management over the years. Finally,
this release would not have been possible without the hundreds of open-source
contributors whose work comprise this release.

As always, do give this release a try and open a ticket if you see
anything amiss.

Happy compiling!

  • Ben

I have updated Stack’s default setup-info dictionary for these binary distributions, and added GHC 9.8.4’s global hints to global-hints.yaml .

It seems there are several issues with building HLS for GHC 9.8.4. The following ghcup command makes it work (thanks to @fendor):

ghcup compile hls -g b8127f7c36033a2cbc5afdd9578c3fe6cf178aa3 --ghc 9.8.4 -- --constraint="ghc-lib-parser=="  --allow-older="ghc-lib-parser:filepath" --index-state="2024-12-02T00:00:00Z"

Thank you, Ben

I built it for Fedora Linux and the updated ghc9.8 builds are available now in repos (including newly epel9).


Stackage Nightly has been update to 9.8.4

There was only one minor breaking change, I think, in the ghc library:
see 9.8.4 ghc getKey · Issue #140 · tomjaguarpaw/tilapia · GitHub


@mpilgrem GHC musl image is available now.
:information_source: For versions 9.6.6, 9.8.4 and 9.10.1 the base image has been updated to alpine:3.21.

The image is also published on Quay and Docker Hub:


Hi, thank you for your great work.

Do I understand it correct, that team maintains three stable branches at a same time and these are currently 9.6 , 9.8 and 9.10? Where can I read more about release schedule of GHC?

with regards


The authorative resource is GHC Status · Wiki · Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC · GitLab which has a table with the status of every release and is kept up to date by the maintainers


Would it be possible to update the version history gitlab page?

So that people can see that 9.8.4 ships with the updated filepath version as noted in the release notes.

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