[GHC API stability] Update #2

Dear all,

Nearly a month after the first update, here is a first report with the feedback collected so far from users of the GHC API. If contributors find any inaccuracy, please, let me know and I’ll do my best to fix it. So far, it looks like nobody is roaring for stability, but there are requests to better define or document the API, and there are ideas to restructure it and extend it.

Next, I’m going to spend some time reaching out to authors of abandoned tools. I also would like to determine if there is a subset of the GHC API that is most popular among the existing tools (ideas to achieve this are welcome too).

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback, and feel free to reach out still if you haven’t already or if the report sparks new thoughts.



Thanks Facundo.

I’m puzzled by the absence of HLS from the report. Isn’t it a major client of the GHC API?

I would think so. But I haven’t found yet anyone available to discuss it.


:wave: Update #3 is out!