I have started the process where the GHC Steering Committee decides if we should have a GHC2024
language edition, and what it should contain. @MangoIV rightfully reminded me that when we laid out the process three years ago, we said we’d hold a community poll as well.
So here we go!
I will not bother you with listing every possible extension, but instead narrowed the poll down to those extensions that were actually nominated. In addition, I added those extensions didn’t make the cut for GHC2021 by a margin of 3 votes or less, to put the numbers in perspective.
Please also have a look at the GHC2024 proposal, it lists pros and cons for every nominated extension.
So here we go:
Which extensions should be part of GHC2024
- DataKinds and TypeData
- DefaultSignatures
- DerivingStrategies
- DisambiguateRecordFields
- ExplicitNamespaces
- GADTs with MonoLocalBinds
- ImpredicativeTypes
- LambdaCase
- RoleAnnotations
- TypeFamilies
- BlockArguments
- OverloadedStrings
- RecordWildCards
- NegativeLiterals
- UnicodeSyntax
- DerivingVia
- FunctionalDependencies
- NoMonomorphismRestriction
- NumDecimals
- ViewPatterns
0 voters
(Unfortunately, Discourse requires every vote to at least select one, and I can’t add more than 20 options, so there is no space for a “None” option .)