Hackage seems to be down (at least for browsing)

https://hackage.haskell.org/ shows a 502 Bad Gateway status.

I guess it’s related to Wiki.haskell.org is down and it was also reported as part of Hoogle appears to be down - #28 by tonicebrian . But I am posting this to give more visibility.

Not sure how, but cabal update seems to work fine despite of this. At least the couple of tests I did. Maybe is a http vs https? I am not sure how cabal downloads the index.

Is there a general status page or account one can look up to see the overall status of various services?



Thanks! I should have tried that :man_facepalming: .

Hackage seems to be operational again already.

and https://haskell-status.joyful.com (new; gives more detail).

The hackage issue was unrelated – a disk space misconfiguration leading to slow performance as zfs struggled to keep up. It is now resolved.

Cabal update continued to work because cabal automatically will fall back on mirrors when hackage is nonresponsive – a very nice and slick bit of engineering.


stack update was not working (it completed, but reported JSON errors) - possibly not using the same mirrors…

I think stack update was working. I think the JSON errors that you saw are those reported by the hackage-security package as it works through its mirrors.

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That is indeed a very cool feature.

Stack relies on Pantry which relies on the hackage-security package. That package works through the mirrors in a local copy of the mirror cache provided (I think by the Hackage project) at https://hackage.haskell.org/mirrors.json when the main domain is down.

EDIT: What I am not sure about is whether the first mirror - http://hackage.fpcomplete.com - is still a service provided by FP Complete, or whether it was something that transferred to the Haskell Foundation when Stackage was transferred to the Foundation. If it is still with FP Complete: thank you FP Complete.

EDIT2: The mirror dates from about March 2015: FP Complete's Hackage mirror

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It does seem to have regressed from https to http at some point though.

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