I’ve been facing issues using Hakyll. I’m trying to move to using Hakyll from Slick, and one thing I’m finding is that the errors are definitely very confusing and not as helpful as they could be. here’s what i ran:
% cabal run exe:site -- rebuild
Removing _site...
Removing _cache...
Removing _cache/tmp...
Creating store...
Creating provider...
Running rules...
Checking for out-of-date items
updated web/css/style.css
updated web/images/github-logo.svg
updated web/images/mastodon-logo.svg
updated web/templates/atom.xml
updated web/templates/footer.html
updated web/templates/header.html
updated web/templates/post-list.html
updated web/templates/post.html
updated web/templates/default.html
updated style.css
updated web/posts/2023-07-20-hello-world.md
[ERROR] Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require.load: web/posts/2023-07-20-hello-world.md (snapshot content) was not found in the cache, the cache might be corrupted or the item you are referring to might not exist
here’s my app/Main.hs: paste.rs - Rocket Powered Pastebin - Code
and here’s my tree: paste.rs - Rocket Powered Pastebin - Code
here’s the web/posts/2023-07-20-hello-world.md
file: paste.rs - Rocket Powered Pastebin - Code
Strangely enough, Hakyll seems to have outputted this file (but .html) to _site
anyways. Weird.