Has anyone tried tracking the symbol directly on the type? Try using Ptr that way

I was trying to use Haskell’s Ptr recently, and I found that I could directly track Ptr’s maclloc, poke, peek on the type. Here is a demo.

The idea of ​​this demo is to track the creation, update, and free of Ptr symbol directly on the type. This seems to be a good idea. Has anyone tried it before?

type DM = Map Symbol (Maybe Symbol)

data MMP (s :: Symbol) = MMP (Ptr (Ptr Void))

data MKey (ia :: DM -> Type) (b :: DM) where
  MReturn :: ia c -> MKey ia c
  NewKey :: Proxy (s :: Symbol) -> (At (MMP s) (Insert s Nothing dm) ~> MKey ia) -> MKey ia dm
  UpdateKey :: MMP s -> MMP v -> MKey ia (InsertOverwriting s (Just v) dm) -> MKey ia dm
  FreeKey :: MMP s -> MKey ia (DeleteVal s (Delete s dm)) -> MKey ia dm
  LiftM :: IO (MKey ia dm) -> MKey ia dm

instance IFunctor MKey where
  imap f = \case
    MReturn ia -> MReturn (f ia)
    NewKey st cont -> NewKey st (imap f . cont)
    UpdateKey s v cont -> UpdateKey s v (imap f cont)
    FreeKey ak cont -> FreeKey ak (imap f cont)
    LiftM imk -> LiftM (fmap (imap f) imk)

instance IMonad MKey where
  ireturn = MReturn
  ibind f = \case
    MReturn ia -> f ia
    NewKey st cont -> NewKey st (ibind f . cont)
    UpdateKey s v cont -> UpdateKey s v (ibind f cont)
    FreeKey ak cont -> FreeKey ak (ibind f cont)
    LiftM imk -> LiftM (fmap (ibind f) imk)

liftm :: IO a -> MKey (At () dm) dm
liftm io = LiftM (io >> pure (returnAt ()))

newkey :: forall (s :: Symbol) -> MKey (At (MMP s) (Insert s Nothing dm)) dm
newkey s = NewKey (Proxy @s) ireturn

updatekey :: MMP s -> MMP v -> MKey (At () (InsertOverwriting s (Just v) dm)) dm
updatekey s v = UpdateKey s v (returnAt ())

type family LookupI (s :: k) (i :: [k :-> Maybe v]) :: v where
  LookupI k '[] = TypeError (Text "can't get key: " :<>: ShowType k)
  LookupI k ((k ':-> Nothing) ': _) = TypeError (Text "can't get val of key: " :<>: ShowType k)
  LookupI k ((k ':-> Just a) ': _) = a
  LookupI k (_ ': b) = LookupI k b

readkey :: (k ~ (LookupI s dm)) => MMP s -> MKey (At (MMP k) dm) dm
readkey (MMP ptr) =
  LiftM $ do
    t <- peek ptr
    pure $ returnAt (MMP $ castPtr t)

freekey :: MMP s -> MKey (At () (DeleteVal s (Delete s dm))) dm
freekey mmp = FreeKey mmp (returnAt ())

tt :: MKey (At () '[]) '[]
tt = I.do
  At k1 <- newkey "k1"
  At k2 <- newkey "k2"
  At k3 <- newkey "k3"
  liftm $ print (k1, k2, k3)
  updatekey k1 k2
  updatekey k2 k1
  freekey k3
  At k2v <- readkey k2
  liftm $ print k2v
  freekey k1
  freekey k2

runtt :: IO ()
runtt = runMyKey tt

This can achieve some very strange effects.

For example,
pt1 → [pt2]
pt2 → [pt1]

If pt1 is freed, the value of pt2 is null, and the value of pt2 cannot be accessed. The type system can detect this error.


Why does this require indexed monads to work?

I try to keep track of the notation of pointers referencing each other on types, which requires the Indexed Monad.This is more than just keeping track of the types of pointers.