I would like to use Hashable (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hashable) to generate a hash from a vinyl record. Right now I have sthg for a single field I think
type HashablePart = '[ "type1" :-> Word32 , "type2" :-> Word32 ]
deriving instance (KnownSymbol s, Hashable a) => Hashable(ElField '(s, a))
but HashablePart contains several fields . I tried to copy the instance for storable from hoogle https://hackage.haskell.org/package/vinyl-0.13.0/docs/Data-Vinyl-Core.html#t:Rec
deriving instance (Hashable (f r), Generic (Rec f rs), Hashable (Rec f rs)) => Hashable(Rec f (r ': rs))
• Could not deduce (hashable-
hashable- (Rep (Rec f rs)))
arising from a use of ‘hashable-$dmhashWithSalt’
from the context: (Hashable (f r), Generic (Rec f rs),
Hashable (Rec f rs))
bound by the instance declaration
I am not sure what to do ? My actual HashablePart
type has actually a dozen field so I could write a function to hash them manually but I would prefer to have a generic elegant solution first.