Haskell Foundation DevOps Weekly Update, 2022-12-21

Hello, welcome to week 27!

Like last week, I am working on Mac notarization for GHC. Since it’s
my main focus, I will say a few more words about it.

Apple “code signing” and “notarization” are malware-prevention systems built
into macOS. They require developers to preprocess apps in a way that macOS can
verify. My task is to implement those processes for GHC, test them, automate the
process and tests, and add it all to CI. I also want to ensure that notarized
versions of GHC can be installed with Stack and GHCUp.

Right now, the “GHC official bindist” install script (and GHCUp) uses a hacky
workaround that bypasses the code signing and notarization requirements. (I’m
not sure what Stack does here! Does Stack even work on modern macOS, other than
via GHCUp’s “unofficial binaries”?) I want to make those workarounds go away so
that we don’t have any more trouble with Mac than necessary.

Other minor things I finished in the last week:

  • Bought a Mac Mini to enable the notarization work
  • Used my shiny new Mac to begin investigating how macOS behaves regarding code
    signing and notarization
  • Wrote a script to remove hundreds of spammy snippets on GHC GitLab
  • Did some git bookkeeping for the gitlab server + bots
  • Tried fixing my full-text search database, a tool I use for investigating CI
  • Continued observing CI and raising issues

See ya next week!


Thanks for the explanation!

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Thanks Bryan, this kind of change should be invisible to users but really important behind the scenes. Really happy to see you take this up.


The only existing stack M1 binaries are unofficially built by GHCup devs.

I’m not sure how stack’s GHC installation works on M1.

At least I can’t see any xattr steps there. Are they still necessary? Who knows.

I also had a look at the Stack code (no “xattr” anywhere) and the issues pertaining to macOS (long list is long) and decided this is probably an opportunity to push things forward a bit.

Edit to reiterate that I think everyone should use GHCUp, anyway. :wink:

I’ve proposed: Can stack utilize ghcup? · Issue #719 · haskell/ghcup-hs · GitHub

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