Haskell Foundation January Update

Haskell Foundation January Update


We have created a new Haskell Foundation Careers page, listing both open positions for the HF itself, as well as a list of HF Sponsors who are actively hiring.

We are hiring a DevOps professional to work with the GHC team primarily, as well as other core Haskell ecosystem open source projects.

Sponsors Update

MLabs has joined us as a Functor level sponsor!

MLabs is a Haskell consultancy and a collection of FP geeks from all backgrounds. We are hiring Haskellers, Purescripters, FP enthusiasts and formal methods experts all year round. If you love Haskell and are looking for a new challenge, you apply here for a job or internship: Haskell Developer, Manager Roles - MLabs





Our Foundation Task Force

We are a group of interested community members who will

help guide and assess your community based grant ideas.


Haskell Interlude Episode 7 featuring José Calderón.

But wait, there’s more!

Haskell Interlude Episode 8, an interview with Théophile Choutri, is also out!

Big thanks to the Haskell Interlude team for bringing us such great Haskell content.

GHC Steering Committee Call for Nominations

Haskell Cryptography Group


Haskell Spotlight Project


GHC 9.0.2

Servant v0.19 Released

The team behind Servant is looking for more help! Code changes, documentation updates, examples and cookbook updates, all are fair game. They have big ideas for the future, and need your help to make it happen!


The Haskell Language Server team released version 1.6.0!

Volunteering and Mentoring

The HF Volunteering repo now includes ways to make yourself available as a mentor, and to seek a mentor.


Bodigrim announced that text-2.0 with utf-8 is released.

Google Summer of Code

The Haskell.org team is organizing 2022 GSoC, if you are interested in mentoring or sponsoring work, please contact them (or me, and I’ll pass it on)!