Haskell-gi: How do I create a Gtk.ListView?

I have been having trouble porting applications from gtk3 → gtk4.

In order to create a Gtk.ListView, I seem to need a Gio.ListStore.
The Gio.ListStore constructor requires a GType for a GObject.

If I want to store Strings, that would be a Gtk.StringObject, but how do
get a GType for it.

This doesn’t seem to work

 foo <- Gtk.stringObjectNew "foo"
fooGValue <- toGValue foo
fooGType <- gvalueGType fooValue  -- Doesn't work
listStore <- new Gio.ListStore [ #itemType := fooType ]

I don’t see any gvalueGType function in Hoogle.

fooGType <- gvalueType fooGValue
fooGType <- gvalueGType_ @(Maybe StringObject)
if you want a GType

Thanks for your help. There doesn’t seem to be much in the way
of example code. I keep web searching. Is there any resource
for things like this that seem important for using haskell-gi.

The next issue I am having is with signals being passed a GObject
when I need a ListItem. I can’t seem to find a recognizable operation
for downcasting GObjects.

I found castTo that seems to work.

I have been experimenting with GTK 4 and your question inspired me to investigate ListView. My initial experiment was a simpler case than your question, but, in the spirit of sharing example code, I had:

{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}

module Main
  ( main
  ) where

import           Control.Monad ( void )
import           Control.Monad.Extra ( whenJust )
import           Data.GI.Base ( AttrOp (..), castTo, get, new, on, set )
import           Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk

activate :: Gtk.Application -> IO ()
activate app = do
  stringList <- Gtk.stringListNew (Just exampleList)
  singleSelection <- Gtk.singleSelectionNew (Just stringList)
  signalListItemFactory <- Gtk.signalListItemFactoryNew
  scrolledWindow <- Gtk.scrolledWindowNew

  let setupListItem :: Gtk.SignalListItemFactorySetupCallback
      setupListItem o = do
        mListItem <- castTo Gtk.ListItem o
        whenJust mListItem $ \listItem -> do
          label <- new Gtk.Label []
          #setChild listItem (Just label)

  let bindListItem :: Gtk.SignalListItemFactoryBindCallback
      bindListItem o1 = do
        mListItem <- castTo Gtk.ListItem o1
        whenJust mListItem $ \listItem -> do
          mO2 <- Gtk.listItemGetItem listItem
          whenJust mO2 $ \o2 -> do
            mStringObject <- castTo Gtk.StringObject o2
            whenJust mStringObject $ \stringObject -> do
              mWidget <- #getChild listItem
              whenJust mWidget $ \widget -> do
                mLabel <- castTo Gtk.Label widget
                whenJust mLabel $ \label -> do
                  string <- get stringObject #string
                  set label [ #label := string ]

  void $ on signalListItemFactory #setup setupListItem
  void $ on signalListItemFactory #bind bindListItem

  listView <-
    Gtk.listViewNew (Just singleSelection) (Just signalListItemFactory)

  set scrolledWindow [ #child := listView ]

  window <- new Gtk.ApplicationWindow
    [ #application := app
    , #title := "ListView test"
    , #child := scrolledWindow
    , #defaultHeight := 200

exampleList :: [Text]
exampleList =
  [ "apple"
  , "banana"
  , "cherry"
  , "damson"
  , "elderberry"
  , "fig"
  , "grape"
  , "kiwi"
  , "lemon"
  , "mango"
  , "nectarine"
  , "orange"
  , "peach"
  , "quince"
  , "raspberry"
  , "strawberry"
  , "tangerine"
  , "watermelon"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  app <- new Gtk.Application
    [ #applicationId := "com.pilgrem.testListView"
    , On #activate (activate ?self)
  void $ app.run Nothing

with stack.yaml:

snapshot: lts-23.1 # GHC 9.8.4
- gi-gdk-4.0.9
- gi-gsk-4.0.8
- gi-gtk-4.0.11

and package.yaml (extract):

- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- extra
- gi-gtk >= 4.0
- haskell-gi-base
- text

and results:


1 Like

Very nice. I took a slightly different course using MaybeT rather than whenJust.


import           Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
import           GI.GObject (Object)


  let bindListItem :: Gtk.SignalListItemFactoryBindCallback
      bindListItem o1 = do
        st <- runMaybeT $ do
          listItem     <- MaybeT $ castTo Gtk.ListItem o1
          widget       <- MaybeT $ #getChild listItem
          label        <- MaybeT $ castTo Gtk.Label widget
          item         <- MaybeT $ Gtk.listItemGetItem listItem
          stringObject <- MaybeT $ castTo Gtk.StringObject item
          liftIO $ do
            text <- #getString stringObject
            #setText label text
        case st of
          Nothing -> print "bindListItem failed"
          Just () -> return ()

For some reason I required a type declaration if I did:

        item <- MaybeT $ #getItem listItem
        stringObject <- MaybeT $ castTo Gtk.StringObject (item :: Object)

My second experiment was more complex, in terms of the list model. I used a GI.Gio.Objects.ListStore with my own MyTypeObject type for the items.

For MyTypeObject, I followed the example at haskell-gi/examples/advanced/CustomContainer.hs at master · haskell-gi/haskell-gi · GitHub to create:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies      #-}

module Data.MyTypeObject
  ( MyTypeObject (..)
  , MyTypePrivate (..)
  ) where

import           Data.GI.Base
                   ( GObject, ManagedPtr, TypedObject (..), glibType )
import           Data.GI.Base.GObject ( DerivedGObject (..), registerGType )
import           Data.GI.Base.Overloading ( HasParentTypes, ParentTypes )
import           GI.GObject ( Object )
import           Data.Text ( Text )

newtype MyTypeObject = MyTypeObject (ManagedPtr MyTypeObject)

instance TypedObject MyTypeObject where

  glibType = registerGType MyTypeObject

instance GObject MyTypeObject

data MyTypePrivate = MyTypePrivate
  { fruit :: Maybe Text
  , count :: Maybe Int

instance DerivedGObject MyTypeObject where

  type GObjectParentType MyTypeObject = Object

  type GObjectPrivateData MyTypeObject = MyTypePrivate

  objectTypeName = "MyTypeObject"

  objectClassInit _ = pure ()

  objectInstanceInit _ _ = pure $ MyTypePrivate
    { fruit = Nothing
    , count = Nothing

  objectInterfaces = []

instance HasParentTypes MyTypeObject

type instance ParentTypes MyTypeObject = '[Object]

I modified my first experiement to be as follows (I think your use of MaybeT is more expressive, but I have kept with whenJust for now):

{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}

module Main
  ( main
  ) where

import           Control.Monad ( void )
import           Control.Monad.Extra ( whenJust )
import           Data.MyTypeObject
import           Data.GI.Base (  AttrOp (..), castTo, new, on, set )
import           Data.GI.Base.GObject
                   ( gobjectGetPrivateData, gobjectSetPrivateData
                   , registerGType
import           Data.Text ( Text, pack )
import           GI.GObject ( Object, toObject )
import qualified GI.Gio as Gio
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk

activate :: Gtk.Application -> IO ()
activate app = do
  gType <- registerGType MyTypeObject
  listStore <- Gio.listStoreNew gType
  myTypeList <- exampleObjects
  Gio.listStoreSplice listStore 0 0 myTypeList
  singleSelection <- Gtk.singleSelectionNew (Just listStore)
  signalListItemFactory <- Gtk.signalListItemFactoryNew
  scrolledWindow <- Gtk.scrolledWindowNew

  let setupListItem :: Gtk.SignalListItemFactorySetupCallback
      setupListItem o = do
        mListItem <- castTo Gtk.ListItem o
        whenJust mListItem $ \listItem -> do
          label <- new Gtk.Label []
          #setChild listItem (Just label)

  let bindListItem :: Gtk.SignalListItemFactoryBindCallback
      bindListItem o1 = do
        mListItem <- castTo Gtk.ListItem o1
        whenJust mListItem $ \listItem -> do
          mO2 <- Gtk.listItemGetItem listItem
          whenJust mO2 $ \o2 -> do
            mMyTypeObject <- castTo MyTypeObject o2
            whenJust mMyTypeObject $ \myTypeObject -> do
              mWidget <- #getChild listItem
              whenJust mWidget $ \widget -> do
                mLabel <- castTo Gtk.Label widget
                whenJust mLabel $ \label -> do
                  myTypePrivate <- gobjectGetPrivateData myTypeObject
                  let string = case myTypePrivate of
                        MyTypePrivate (Just f) (Just c) ->
                             f <> " (" <> pack (show c) <> ")"
                        MyTypePrivate (Just f) Nothing -> f
                        MyTypePrivate _ _ -> ""
                  set label [ #label := string ]

  void $ on signalListItemFactory #setup setupListItem
  void $ on signalListItemFactory #bind bindListItem

  listView <-
    Gtk.listViewNew (Just singleSelection) (Just signalListItemFactory)

  set scrolledWindow [ #child := listView ]

  window <- new Gtk.ApplicationWindow
    [ #application := app
    , #title := "ListView test (complex)"
    , #child := scrolledWindow
    , #defaultHeight := 200

exampleFruit :: [Text]
exampleFruit =
  [ "apple"
  , "banana"
  , "cherry"
  , "damson"
  , "elderberry"
  , "fig"
  , "grape"
  , "kiwi"
  , "lemon"
  , "mango"
  , "nectarine"
  , "orange"
  , "peach"
  , "quince"
  , "raspberry"
  , "strawberry"
  , "tangerine"
  , "watermelon"

exampleCount :: [Int]
exampleCount = [1 .. 18]

exampleObjects :: IO [Object]
exampleObjects = mapM (toObject =<<) exampleMyType
  exampleMyType = zipWith go exampleFruit exampleCount
  go f c = do
    myTypeObject <- new MyTypeObject []
    gobjectSetPrivateData myTypeObject $ MyTypePrivate
      { fruit = Just f
      , count = Just c
    pure myTypeObject

main :: IO ()
main = do
  app <- new Gtk.Application
    [ #applicationId := "com.pilgrem.testListView.complex"
    , On #activate (activate ?self)
  void $ app.run Nothing

and result:


Another nice example. I had focused so much on the haskell-gi/examples/gtk4 that I overlooked the advanced directory for useful infomation.