These two are very good improvements!
Yes, it provides the semantic tokens for semantic highlighting.
Yes, it does indeed (20 character posting limit defeated).
This is mega exciting! I see Cabal 3.11+ isn’t officially released yet. If we want to use this work is it enough to install cabal-install
from source (the binary), or do I need to build haskell-language-server
with a source-repository-package
entry (so compiling HLS against a newer version of Cabal-the-library)?
You don’t need to recompile HLS, just install a recent enough version of the cabal-install binary.
I look forward to the bug reports
Does it being a “plugin” mean it is opt-in, or are semantic tokens used by default?
Normally plugins are enabled by default, this one is currently disabled by default (you should be able to turn it on via your editor config once the client plugins get updated). It’s disabled because a) it’s new and came in just before the release, so we’re not totally sure how stable it is, and b) full semantic tokens is… a lot, and it’s unclear if it should ever be the default.
ghcup install cabal --force -u head
(with variants for x86_64 macOS and x86_64 Windows here: Release cabal-head · haskell/cabal · GitHub)
Thanks, but I don’t use ghcup (I use Haskell.nix). Hopefully this helps others though!
It is the way now HLS organize its development and provide features. A lot of plugins.
You can enable or disable plugins as you desire.
And semantic tokens is still in very beta state(active development and bug fix). Welcome to helping us test it out.
When do you think cabal install -w ghc-9.8 haskell-language-server
will be properly supported from main Hackage?
(I had missed this release announce, didn’t surface in my discourse notifications…)
We’re basically blocked by our remaining allow-newer
s, which you can see here:
In fact, I see we got a release of commutative-semigroups
, and the ekg stuff isn’t on by default, so it might now actually work!
Am I reading the blame correctly that those bumps have been around for two months? That seems like an excessively long time for simple bounds extensions. Perhaps those packages should get more maintainers?
That would be nice generally we are in a bit of an awkward situation with HLS where our dependency set is a bit higher than we would like, and we often have to do some prodding. Probably we should also try to cut down!
Sadly the text bound wasn’t bumped and we still have the primitive-extras issue, it seems.
That’s not enough if any package in your dependencies has build-type: Custom
. As figured out by @TeofilC, adding the following to your cabal.project
type: git
subdir: Cabal
type: git
subdir: Cabal-syntax
Thanks with a revision of primitive-unlifted, I could finally build with ghc-9.8 now!
My Fedora copr repo is now updated to 2.6 and includes builds for fedora ghc9.8 for the first time.