Haskell Foundation December 2023|January 2024 Update

Note from the ED:

Apologies for missing the December update! I started full time in January and it seems that it fell through the cracks in the hectic first few days. It won’t happen again.

Community Activities:

Existing initiatives


The HF’s GHC CI specialist @chreekat remains hard at work keeping GHC well supported. You can read his updates for the months of December and January below:

An important extra project on Bryan’s plate is migration of maintenance of Stackage over to HF infrastructure, providing for ongoing support for the benefit of the Haskell community.

Technical Working Group

The TWG accepted a few new members, we’d like to thank all those that self-nominated and were willing to volunteer their time.

Stability Working Group

Meeting notes:


The Haskell Interlude Podcast released interviews with Rebecca Skinner, Mike Sperber, Moritz Angermann, and Jezen Thomas.


All of our work is made possible by our individual contributors and our sponsors. Thank you so much for your support.


