Have you ever used a "random-access list"?

A random-access list is a data structure that supports O(1) cons/head/tail (like a standard linked list), plus index/update in O(log n) time.

I first heard about it in Purely Functional Data Structures, which contains a couple implementations in the chapter on numerical representations. Probably due to this prominent feature, there are three packages that implement the interface, each with a shorter name than the ones that came before it:

… but I can’t say I’ve ever actually reached for this data structure!

From the chapter,

Skew binary random-access lists are a good choice for applications that take advantage of both the list-like aspects and the array-like aspects of random-access lists. Although there are better implementations of lists, and better implementations of (persistent) arrays, none are better at both.

I’m curious, what are some examples of such applications? Thanks!


Huh, I thought Data.Sequence had this market cornered. A Seq has the same asymptotic performance characteristics as this thing, doesn’t it? I wonder what the difference is.

Yeah, Sequence (2-3 finger tree) supports this API and more: O(1) access to both ends of the list, and logarithmic splitting and catenation. But constant factors would be different; I haven’t benchmarked but it’s plausible that the less powerful data structure would be faster.