In this code sample:
processAndReport :: Maybe Organ -> String
processAndReport (Just organ) = report (process organ)
processAndReport Nothing = "error, id not found"
I’m not understanding the processAndReport (Just organ) = report (process organ)
I think I see what is happening but I don’t understand how.
If a Just organ
is passed to procesAndReport
then organ
is passed to process
which expects an Organ
- all good there.
process :: Organ -> (Location, Container)
process organ = placeInLocation (organToContainer organ)
It appears that somehow the organ
is being taken out of Just organ
so it can be passed to process
. However, I’m left asking myself ‘what mechanism’ or ‘Haskell thingy’ is makeing that happen.
I don’t think it is needed, but just in case, here is the entire code sample:
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List ( intercalate )
data Organ = Heart | Brain | Kidney | Spleen deriving (Show, Eq)
organs :: [Organ]
organs = [Heart,Heart,Brain,Spleen,Spleen,Kidney]
ids :: [Int]
ids = [2,7,13,14,21,24]
organPairs :: [(Int,Organ)]
organPairs = zip ids organs
-- use `Map.lookup 7 organCatalog` to get an organ
organCatalog :: Map.Map Int Organ
organCatalog = Map.fromList organPairs
possibleDrawers :: [Int]
possibleDrawers = [1 .. 50]
getDrawerContents :: [Int] -> Map.Map Int Organ -> [Maybe Organ]
getDrawerContents ids catalog = map getContents ids
where getContents = \id -> Map.lookup id catalog
availableOrgans :: [Maybe Organ]
availableOrgans = getDrawerContents possibleDrawers organCatalog
countOrgan :: Organ -> [Maybe Organ] -> Int
countOrgan organ available = length (filter (\x -> x == Just organ) available)
isSomething :: Maybe Organ -> Bool
isSomething Nothing = False
isSomething (Just _) = True
justTheOrgans :: [Maybe Organ]
justTheOrgans = filter isSomething availableOrgans
showOrgan :: Maybe Organ -> String
showOrgan (Just organ) = show organ
showOrgan Nothing = ""
organList :: [String]
organList = map showOrgan justTheOrgans
cleanList :: String
cleanList = intercalate ", " organList
data Container = Vat Organ | Cooler Organ | Bag Organ
instance Show Container where
show (Vat organ) = show organ ++ " in a vat"
show (Cooler organ) = show organ ++ " in a cooler"
show (Bag organ) = show organ ++ " in a bag"
data Location = Lab | Kitchen | Bathroom deriving Show
organToContainer :: Organ -> Container
organToContainer Brain = Vat Brain
organToContainer Heart = Cooler Heart
organToContainer organ = Bag organ
placeInLocation :: Container -> (Location,Container)
placeInLocation (Vat a) = (Lab, Vat a)
placeInLocation (Cooler a) = (Lab, Cooler a)
placeInLocation (Bag a) = (Kitchen, Bag a)
process :: Organ -> (Location, Container)
process organ = placeInLocation (organToContainer organ)
report ::(Location,Container) -> String
report (location,container) = show container ++
" in the " ++
show location
processAndReport :: Maybe Organ -> String
processAndReport (Just organ) = report (process organ)
processAndReport Nothing = "error, id not found"