As a Haskell Beginner I am trying to switch from Emacs to VS Code.
In Emacs I can start an “Inf-Haskell” buffer with ghci running and via :l haskell-file.hs interact with my code. How can I do something similar in VS Code?
In VS Code I have installed the Haskell.haskell extension which gives me great code completion, but I cannot figure out how I start a project REPL in VS Code. My project runs under stack.
Depending on your needs, the easiest might be the ‘evaluate code snippets’ feature of HLS (included in the haskell plugin for VS Code). That is not really a REPL, but it covers most of the same functionality. If you really need a repl, I think the easiest way is just to open a terminal and run ghci in there.
It’s part of the Haskell.haskell extension. You do need to use a supported GHC version which include 8.10.7, 9.0.2, and partially 9.2.2 and 9.2.3 (the partial support does include the code snippet evaluation part).