i have the following code
import Data.Kind(Type)
type ArrowMap::(Type->Type) -> Type-> Type
type family ArrowMap f a where
ArrowMap f (r -> b) = (f r -> ArrowMap f b)
ArrowMap f a = f a
concatChar :: Char -> Char -> Char -> [Char]
concatChar a b c = [a,b,c]
class Applicable f a where
applyN ::f a -> ArrowMap f a
instance (Applicative f, Applicable f a) => Applicable f (r -> a) where
applyN f = applyN . (<*>) f
instance (ArrowMap f a ~ f a, Applicative f) => Applicable f a where
applyN f = f
main :: IO ()
main = (applyN . pure $ concatChar) getChar getChar getChar >>= putStrLn
i get the following error when compiling this
[1 of 2] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o ) [Source file changed]
Main.hs:22:9: error:
• Overlapping instances for Applicable
IO (Char -> Char -> Char -> [Char])
arising from a use of ‘applyN’
Matching instances:
instance (ArrowMap f a ~ f a, Applicative f) => Applicable f a
-- Defined at Main.hs:19:10
instance (Applicative f, Applicable f a) => Applicable f (r -> a)
-- Defined at Main.hs:17:10
• In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘applyN’
In the first argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘applyN . pure’
In the first argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely
‘(applyN . pure $ concatChar) getChar getChar getChar’
22 | main = (applyN . pure $ concatChar) getChar getChar getChar >>= putStrLn
if i then place a overlapping pragma on the first instance it compiles and runs as expected getting 3 characters and outputting them, crucially to solve this i need to know why ArrowMap f a is equal to f a, i suspect something involving the ((->) r) monad but can’t be sure.
i trieh to use :t ArrowMap functor type on ghci but it complained about illegal term level usage of a type family which makes sense as :t gets the type of an expression so hence my question