This is for work (so a realworld problem) I have a few idea how tackle it but I though it make an interesting puzzle.
The problem is how given a list and a sublist of it given in a different order update the whole list so that the element of the sublsiy appear in the new order but the other elements stay in place.
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Traversable
f xs ys0 = (`evalState` ys0) $ for xs $ \x -> do
if x `Set.member` ysSet
then do
~(y:ys) <- get
put $! ys
pure y
else pure x
ysSet = Set.fromList ys0
That was quick. It took you less time to answer me than me to unserstand it. .
That is a really interesting approach (even though it copies the tail if there is one).
Picking element in order (your ys state) works really well indeed. I rewrote using simple recursion (so I don’t have to import anything )
freezeOrder boxesInOrder boxes =
let inOrderSet = Set.fromList boxesInOrder
go [] bs = bs
go _ [] = []
go (o:os) (b:bs) =
-- replace the current box with the first in boxesInOrder if current
-- box is part of the boxesInOrder
if b `member` inOrderSet
then o : go os bs
else b : go os bs
in go boxesInOrder boxes