As of October 2023, there are around a dozen mature PostgreSQL libraries, all levels of abstractions, from low-level queries to the type level. More than enough for anybody.
Foreach library, we’ll talk about features, basics like writing queries, complexity, pitfalls, (everyone’s favorite topic) errors, and so on.
Great work! As a rel8 author, I’m happy to see that everything you’ve written is what I would call canonical usage, and I think you for doing a good job in portraying how the library is intended to be used!
I’m trying to build a small web project as an exercise. As I’m learning Haskell for the last 6 months, this kind of content is invaluable as you can get quickly lost in the myriad of ways to do things
The content is clear, concise and really gives a great point of comparison for beginning to use those libraries.
At least it helped me pick one !