I have installed ghcup, then through this the recommended ghc 8.10.7, HLS and now stack 2.7.5.
ghc runs perfectly, but stack always complains: “No compiler found, expected minor version match with ghc-8.6.5 (x86_64) […]” even with --system-ghc
or the equivalant config setting.
The problem, I guess, is that stack wants ghc 8.6.5, but I have the “recommended” 8.10.7.
I would like to avoid multiple ghcs on my system (as long as I can avoid it). Also for now I would like to go only with stack, not cabal-install, if possible.
Therefore, I assume, I need to tell stack through its “resolver” setting, to use ghc v8.10.7 – but how do I do this?
Or does it make more sense to downgrade the system compiler to ghc 8.6.5 (what stack expects by default). When staring out with Haskell, should I definitely stick to ghc 8.10.7, or can 8.6.5 be recommended for learning too?
Thanks for suggestions!
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For stack you can either use the snapshot/resolver settings in your stack.yaml
(for example resolver: ghc-8.10.7
or on the command line with something like stack --resolver ghc-8.10.7 new Test
) or you can look for the right stackage snapshot for you desired compiler and use this for the resolver setting (in your case the latest LTS seems to be 18.28
- so stack --resolver lts-18.28 new Test
As to learning I think it does not really matter what GHC version you are using - I think most if not all of the material covered in introductory courses does not target any GHC specific version (or GHC at all).
PS: What do you mean “stack expects by default”? If you initialize a new project (I’d recommend you use a project approach even for learning - it’s much easier to get to packages etc. this way) then stack should look for the latest LTS and use this by default.
If you use something like stack repl
from a folder without a project structure (stack.yaml, …) stack should use a default setting file located in your stack-installation folder under [stack-root]/global-project/stack.yaml
and you can adjust that to your liking (change the resolver there - it is likely the one current when you installed stack)
you can find the stack-root with stack path
(should be printed out at the top of that output)
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Thanks for your detailed information! 
Well, I just referred to what stack does when used outside a project context.
Well, that’s not really what I want either, because the latest snapshot uses ghc-9.0.2. – I guess I have to set the the resolver in ~/.stack/stack.yaml
to lts-18.28 as well.
Your best shot is my PR here: Support custom GHC installation hooks by hasufell · Pull Request #5585 · commercialhaskell/stack · GitHub
Build stack from that branch yourself, then add a file ~/.stack/hooks/ghc-install.sh
, make it executable and add these contents:
set -Eeuo pipefail
case "$HOOK_GHC_TYPE" in
>&2 echo "Installing GHC via ghcup"
echo "$(ghcup run -i --ghc "$HOOK_GHC_VERSION")"/ghc
>&2 echo "Hook doesn't support installing from source"
exit 1
>&2 echo "Unsupported GHC installation type: $HOOK_GHC_TYPE"
exit 2
Now stack will use ghcup to install and detect the correct GHC versions automatically. Without --system-ghc
(make sure it’s off).
If you don’t want to do that, you can configure stack to use a specific compiler for a project (in stack.yaml
resolver: lts-18.16
compiler: ghc-8.10.6
compiler-check: match-exact
You probably also want to add this to your global ~/.stack/config.yaml
system-ghc: true
install-ghc: false