Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly!
Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime.
This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.
Aeson’s mysterious lazy parsing by Han Dong Zhu
Aeson provide two flavor of parsing entrances:
. The document ondecode
says that “This function parses immediately, but defers conversion.” -
Beeraffe by Jasper Van der Jeugt
This weekend, I finished a silly little game in PureScript called Beeraffe. In this blogpost, I want to give some more background information on how this game came to be.
Exceptions tutorial from IH book by Mark Karpov
In a language like Haskell, with its strong and powerful type system, why should we “contaminate” such a language with the concept of exceptions?
GHC 8.6.4 released by Ben Gamari
The GHC team is very happy to announce the availability of GHC 8.6.4, a bugfix release in the GHC 8.6 series. The 8.6.4 release fixes several regressions present in 8.6.3.
Hanayama O’Gear Puzzle by Ben Wiener
I tried solving the puzzle for about fifteen minutes before deciding to use a computer. My basic strategy was to treat the problem as a graph search, where the nodes of the graph are the different states the cube and gear can be in.
Monoidal and Applicative Functors by Marcin Szamotulski
In this post we will explore the equivalence between applicative and monoidal functors (i.e. functors which preserve cartesian product).
Object oriented Haskell by Julie Moronuki
This week’s most exciting announcement is that I am learning a bit of object-oriented programming and how that translates into Haskell.
Property-Based Testing in a Screencast Editor: Introduction by Oskar Wickström
This is the first in a series of posts about using property-based testing (PBT) within Komposition, a screencast editor that I’ve been working on during the last year.
Recursion Schemes, Part VI: Comonads, Composition, and Generality by Patrick Thomson
Now that we’ve covered folds (
, andhisto
), unfolds (ana
, andfutu
), and refolds (hylo
, andchrono
), I hope I have showed that recursion schemes are a useful tool to organize programs, beautify code, and clarify human intent.
Software engineer at ITProTV in Gainesville
ITProTV is disrupting the eLearning world with engaging online training that people actually want to watch. We are currently accepting applications for full-stack software professionals to join our small but talented multidisciplinary team.
Taylor Fausak, the editor of Haskell Weekly, is the lead engineer at ITProTV.
In brief
- Dhall version 6.0.0
- Haskell eXchange 2019 - Call for Papers
- Isomorphic web apps in Haskell
- Selective applicative functors
Package of the week
This week’s package of the week is fakedata
a library for producing fake data such as names, addressess and phone numbers.
Call for participation
- dh-core: Add test coverage
- hledger: Regex aliases do not allow forward-slash ‘/’ character
- nvim-hs: Fix ci
North America
- 2019-03-07 in Raleigh, NC, USA by Raleigh Haskell Meetup: (hack . yack)
- 2019-03-07 in Las Vegas, NV, USA by Las Vegas Functional Programming User Group: Functional Programming Meetup
- 2019-03-08 in Austin, TX, USA by Austin Types, Theorems, and Programming Languages: Going through Software Foundations by Benjamin Pierce et al
- 2019-03-09 in San Diego, CA, USA by San Diego Software Development Deep Dive: Diving deeper into software development discussions
- 2019-03-09 in Norcross, GA, USA by Atlambda Haskathon: Atlambda Haskathon
- 2019-03-09 in Berkeley, CA by Code Self Study: Open Programming Session (Saturday Afternoon)
- 2019-03-09 in Boston, MA, USA by Weekly Functional Programming Meetup: Hang out, chat FP, work on some code
- 2019-03-12 in Vancouver, BC, Canada by Functional Programming Vancouver: Functional Programming Meetup
- 2019-03-07 in Graz, Austria by Functional Programming Graz: Functional Programming Meetup
- 2019-03-07 in Brno-střed, Czech Republic by Functional Programming Brno: FP Pivo
- 2019-03-09 in Berlin, Germany by Study Haskell: Weekly Haskell-studying session
- 2019-03-11 in Karlsruhe, Germany by Karlsruhe Haskell Meetup: Parallel and Concurrent Programming Study Group – Vorbesprechung
- 2019-03-11 in București, Romania by Bucharest FP: Bucharest FP #45 — Haskell Book Study Group 06
- 2019-03-11 in Delft, Netherlands by Delft Haskell Study Group: Haskell Study Session #3
- 2019-03-11 in London, United Kingdom by Skills Matter - X Matters Keynote Series - Developer Events: JavaScript Matters with Lisa Gagarina!
- 2019-03-12 in Rennes, France by Meetup Lambda Rennes - Programmation fonctionnelle: Cycle.js
- 2019-03-12 in Düsseldorf, Germany by Clojure Düsseldorf: Clojure: Auf den Pfaden des Mars Rovers
- 2019-03-07 in Mumbai, India by DelhiNCR Haskell And Functional Programming Languages Group: FPNCR Monthly meetup
- 2019-03-08 in Noida, India by Reactive Application Programmers in Delhi NCR: MEETUP | Introduction to Java 11
- 2019-03-10 in Bengaluru, India by Bangalore Functional Programmers Meetup: Lets Lens - Part 1
South America
- 2019-03-07 in Santiago, Chile by Santiago Scala Meetup: Santiago Scala Meetup
- 2019-03-11 in Sandton, South Africa by Lambda Luminaries: Placeholder: Putting the Fun back in Functional at Lambda Luminaries