Keelung Compiler is Now Open Source!

We are excited to announce that the Keelung Compiler, a game-changer in fast, secure programming and Zero-Knowledge Proofs, is now open-source. Embedded within Haskell, Keelung offers an abundance of resources, simplifying the creation of reliable proofs.

By open-sourcing the Keelung Compiler under the Apache 2.0 license, we’re committed to transparency and invite you to join us in shaping the future of ZKPs, a technology revolutionizing digital privacy and security.

Anticipate a more powerful Keelung! Upcoming updates include seamless Keelung-Haskell integration and unsigned integers with limitless bit-widths.
Dive into the full story here, and check out our Keelung Compiler repository!

BTQ team


What about the code generation? Do the proofs carry over to the binary? How? (thinking about e.g. CakeML)

While Keelung produce the zero-knowledge proofs, they are not like the proof of the compilation in CakeML. But indeed, it will be great if our compiler can also be formally verified, like CakeML’s. Thanks for your questions!