I’m trying to implement a SSE (server sent event) endpoint for my app. Since I have to regularly send messages to keep the connection alive, I need to limit the blocking time that a call to readChan
creates when the contents of the channel is empty (Control.Concurrent.Chan#readChan).
Does any function come to mind? Or, should I build this Handler
sseH :: Env -> Handler EventSource
sseH env = liftIO $ do
chan <- dupChan env.broadcastChan
return (S.fromStepT (S.Yield keepAlive rest))
-- read from the channel, but for max 15 seconds
-- if no message is received, send a keep-alive message
rest = S.Effect $ do
msg :: Maybe ServerEvent <- **undefined**
return $ case msg of
Just m -> S.Yield m rest
Nothing -> S.Yield keepAlive rest
keepAlive :: ServerEvent
keepAlive = CommentEvent (fromByteString "keep-alive")