Live Update List of Haskell Foundation Funding

With numbers that low for individual donors… It could be that people are largely not yet aware of the possibility of supporting the foundation, perhaps partly because it wasn’t immediately possible to give individual donations when the foundation was first established. It seems this calls for a bit of a media campaign!

@myShoggoth Thanks for the update! It would be a lot more fun to try and help raise the numbers if we could look forward to getting feedback on those numbers on a certain schedule. With the current structure of things…is it reasonable/possible to commit to a release schedule to get further updates? I’m thinking that people could look forward to seeing how progress is being made as the word spreads.

I’ll start a new topic here on Discourse to rally for a “media campaign” to help rectify this. Media Campaign To Let People Know They Can Donate To The Haskell Foundation

I’m also starting a Discourse topic called: Tell Us! Why Did You Donate to the Haskell Foundation? I would love to read more perspectives on this, especially after reading the one cdsmith wrote: