I echo a lot of the themes in @cdsmith’s post!
I had been introduced to functional programming and eventually stumbled onto Haskell. It first looked really bizarre, but that’s also one of the reasons why I wanted to understand what was behind it and why the people that used it were so passionate about it. I wrote more about that here: https://aniravi.com/posts/special-about-haskell.html
I’ve learned a couple of different languages but Haskell struck a chord with me. I loved that it challenged how I thought about programming and that there is an effort to discover the potential of what good tools could look like, especially static type systems. I’ve learned other statically and dynamically typed languages, like Java and JavaScript, but felt like our tools could be more useful, expressive, and helpful. Haskell shows that you can have a type system that helps you express yourself as a programmer, which is ultimately what all of us are doing when we write code - expressing ourselves.
I contributed to the Haskell Foundation because as others have already mentioned, there’s a lot of magic in the community that needs some organization and push to get things done, as well as warts to be addressed. It’s incredible how far things have come over the years with primarily volunteer-driven efforts, but I’m excited to see what some organization around key improvements that need to be made can do for the community.
I’m a recent college grad that just started getting paid at my first job a few months ago, but I feel strongly about giving back to open-source, as open-source and free content is the reason I learned almost everything I know today. Haskell’s ecosystem happens to be my primary focus now - that may change in the future, but I think there is something special in this language and the surrounding ecosystem. I only share more about who I am to say that if I can give, you can too.
I don’t get to use Haskell in production yet - but maybe someday I will get to use it or something that’s heavily inspired by it I also don’t have a ton of time to be able to learn and use Haskell, so contributing financially made sense to me - maybe someday, I’ll be able to contribute with code as well.