In first days of the Haskell Foundation, it wasn’t possible for individuals to donate money… The better part of a year has passed, and while hundreds of thousands of dollars have been collectively donated by corporations, there have been less than 20 people who have made a donation as individuals. It seems probable that a lot of people who love Haskell may not be aware that they can now donate to the Foundation. I hope that people will help give the Foundation a strong start and join in a collective public push to encourage individual donations.
People may think that a donation of $5 or $10 a month won’t make a big difference in the face of large corporate donations, but if we had 5000 donors averaging just $10 dollars a month that would be 600000/year, a fair bit more than all the corporate donations to date combined!
Some people are able to do more than $10/month. We already have one heroic individual donor who is setting a very high bar! You can read his touching post about why he supports the foundation here: Why I Support the Haskell Foundation | by Chris Smith | Geek Culture | Medium
See the latest update on the Foundation’s donations here:
With the foundation’s blessing and guidance… I would certainly like to work on raising awareness of the possibility for individuals to donate, and encourage people to take advantage of it. Please let me know if you are with me on this and hopefully together we can help the Foundation to an even more successful start!
On a related note, I’ve also started a Discourse topic: Tell Us! Why Did You Donate To The Haskell Foundation?...And If You're Holding Out, What Would Make You A Regular Donor? So please share your reasons and stories there!
Please share your thoughts.