What I want to do –
I want to parse an error.txt file and find all the lines where dealer_login is in the string.
The code.
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
main = forever $ do
contents <- readFile "./error.txt"
writeFile "dealer_login_errors.txt" (errorLogsFilter contents)
errorLogsFilter :: String -> String
errorLogsFilter input =
let allLines = lines input
shortLines = filter(\line -> isInfixOf "dealer_login" line) allLines
result = unlines shortLines
in result
It is not until I close power shell that the script seems to stop writing and overwriting the file. I don’t think this is normal behavior. I could be wrong.
I would like to make the string “dealer_login” dynamic and base it on user input. If you can help with that too that would be nice.
The forever function that you’re using makes the code run forever. Try to remove it. And try to use getArgs from the module System.Environment to grab the command line arguments, or use getLine if you prefer reading from the standard input. Do that in the do context and pass the result as an argument to your errorLogsFilter function.
Forget it I just realized what I was doing wrong! Thank you. I was trying to extract a index from a function provided by haskell. That made no since as it is a function and not a list. Duh!!