This is my first question in this forum. I am looking for an idiomatic way to implement the merger of multiple Tributes
instances into a single one. In the example below, Rome wants to know how many units of gold and wine its two provinces Greece and Egypt owe it in January and February.
data Tribute = Gold | Wine
deriving (Show, Eq)
type City = String
type Tributes = Map City (Map Tribute Integer)
january :: Tributes
january = Map.fromList
[ ("Abydos", Map.fromList [(Gold, 7)])
, ("Rhodes", Map.fromList [(Gold, 6), (Wine 11)])
february :: Tributes
february = Map.fromList
[ ("Athens", Map.fromList [(Gold, 8), (Wine 4)])
, ("Abydos", Map.fromList [(Gold, 5), (Wine 9)])
Rome doesn’t know enough Haskell to implement merging the two months but it expects the following result:
januaryAndFebruary = Map.fromList
[ ("Abydos", Map.fromList [(Gold, 12), (Wine 9)])
, ("Rhodes", Map.fromList [(Gold, 6), (Wine 11)])
, ("Athens", Map.fromList [(Gold, 8), (Wine 4)])
Of course Octavian knows that he could define a function like merge :: Tributes -> Tributes -> Tributes
and work his way through the details with some guiding examples and a good set of tests. But he wonders if there might be a better way to do this.