It is my great pleasure to announce the next Executive Director of the Haskell Foundation: David Thrane Christiansen. David is a long-time Haskeller who comes with a demonstrated passion for functional programming, having done intensive work with Idris, Racket, and Haskell, among other formative experiences. In particular, David was a key part of the Idris community when it morphed from a smallish language project to one more widely used. David holds a PhD in Computer Science from the IT University of Copenhagen (the city where he currently lives), has co-authored a book on dependent types (The Little Typer), and has worked for Galois and Deon Digital.
Lest anyone get worried about one PhD excited about dependent types (me) involved in hiring another PhD excited about dependent types (David): over the course of many conversations about the HF, David has impressed upon me the importance of reaching out beyond current Haskell communities, seeking new voices and approaches. Haskell is a language that anyone can master – but we have work to do to have its perception match that reality. I know David is committed to that course of action, and of focusing on the practical aspects of Haskell use that affect the Haskell community broadly.
David begins his employment with the HF on Monday, May 2.
About the process: The HF formed a Transition Committee (our charter is public) comprising José Pedro Magalhães (chair), Ed Kmett, and myself. We put together a call for applications and processed these applications as they came in. Applicants that passed an initial screening interview were given four additional interviews. The Transition Committee then made a recommendation to the Board based on the written feedback from these interviews, and the Board voted unanimously and enthusiastically to accept the
recommendation to hire David.
I hope you join me in being excited about this next chapter for the Haskell Foundation!