Newbie : Activating-instaling Parallel feature

GHC : ver. 9.4.8
Cabal ver.

Hi Folks,

I’ve been learnign Haskell for few weeks only and want to make my teeth on Paralllel processes.
So I’ve build a new prject. got the App folder and Main.hs runnug fine.

Though when I try to run a sample script using some paraellel code if warns me that I need the parallel module to be installed.

Q1. Does a newer version of Haskell/ghc comes with this installed already

Q2. if not how to install it. I get a partail “installed to be check” msg when tryng to install that on my Linux mint 22 OS.

installing method and results :slight_smile:
in CLI : cabal install parallel

add. step :
cabal install --lib parallel

ghc-pkg list parallel
(no packages)

I’m no expert so any suggestion to succesfully complete the Parallel module install is welcomed. Also if there is any problem with this feature to be installed, ls let us know… :pray: :wink:

Big Thansk /Terii

Check out ghcup’s first steps and cabal’s getting started guide. They will show you how to set up a Haskell app with dependencies.

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Somehow I got the parallel CPU priocess to work now after updating some Unix depenacy i guess :slight_smile:

For what it’s worth, I was working with concurrent Haskell lately and had to add:
ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N12"
to my .cabal file. I believe the -threaded tells GHC to use the threaded runtime. The -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N12" tells the runtime to use 12 threads (since I had 12 long running test processes).

Of course my test suite had to have: import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally,newEmptyMVar,putMVar,takeMVar) to do the fancy concurrent things.

Hope this helps.