Module Foreign.C.String
defines function newCString and newCAString with same type signature and comments, but body is different.
-- | Marshal a Haskell string into a NUL terminated C string.
-- * the Haskell string may /not/ contain any NUL characters
-- * new storage is allocated for the C string and must be
-- explicitly freed using 'Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.free' or
-- 'Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.finalizerFree'.
newCAString :: String -> IO CString
newCAString str = do
ptr <- mallocArray0 (length str)
go [] n = pokeElemOff ptr n nUL
go (c:cs) n = do pokeElemOff ptr n (castCharToCChar c); go cs (n+1)
go str 0
return ptr
-- | Marshal a Haskell string into a NUL terminated C string.
-- * the Haskell string may /not/ contain any NUL characters
-- * new storage is allocated for the C string and must be
-- explicitly freed using 'Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.free' or
-- 'Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.finalizerFree'.
newCString :: String -> IO CString
newCString s = getForeignEncoding >>= flip GHC.newCString s