One Billion Row challenge in Hs

Is there a measurable difference on modern CPUs between x * 6 and x `shiftL` 2 + x `shiftL` 1?

Using the power-of-2 table shaved off a few seconds, but the rest didnā€™t really change things.

It now takes only 33.088s.

I swapped out hashing and comparison. Hashing doesnā€™t make a difference, comparison has a small benefit. I donā€™t have enough RAM for 1 billion rows, Iā€™m testing 100 million instead. Itā€™s 3.28s for me now.

Things we could try:

  • Store the unique strings in a separate array. Currently our table keys are pointers to the huge input string and I imagine that they are randomly strewn around in lots of different pages.
  • Try to minimize table size. With 10k keys we should be able to fit into L2. Pack entries more, use higher load factor, but maybe also store some of the hash and compare hashes during scanning (which makes scanning faster so we can afford longer scans).
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With bytestring-mmap Iā€™m able to get the time down to 25.147s (I did have to fix a breaking change in that package to make it work with GHC 9.8).

Edit: just found out mmap is an updated package that should probably be used instead

Edit: Iā€™ve updated my gist with the 25 second version.

Edit: With your hash and equality it becomes: 22.596s

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Iā€™ve updated my gist to include multi-threading. I still see that itā€™s about 2-3 times slower than 7.c version. This time I run it on 1B lines on a 32 core machine:

~/OneBRC $ `which time` --verbose `cabal exec which OneBRC` +RTS -N32 -qg >out.txt
	User time (seconds): 54.29
	System time (seconds): 4.99
	Percent of CPU this job got: 2159%
	Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:02.74
~/OneBRC $ `which time` --verbose ./7c >7c-out.txt
	User time (seconds): 18.05
	System time (seconds): 0.72
	Percent of CPU this job got: 1187%
	Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:01.58

Thereā€™s another source file analyse.c which runs in about 0.8s (3.5 times faster), but it doesnā€™t produce correct results.

The single threaded version runs in 28s (but itā€™s a quite fast machine):

~/OneBRC $ `which time` --verbose `cabal exec which OneBRC` +RTS -N1 >out.txt
	User time (seconds): 26.33
	System time (seconds): 1.75
	Percent of CPU this job got: 100%
	Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:28.08

So the more or less idiomatic Haskell is 2-3 times slower than C (itā€™s possible to drop the custom hash table and use unordered-containers and still be in the 2-4 times range; the only important optimization is using unboxed arrays for counters).


Just found that the 1.53s number to beat was achieved on 8 cores:

~/OneBRC $ `which time` --verbose `cabal exec which OneBRC` +RTS -N8 >out.txt
	User time (seconds): 33.90
	System time (seconds): 2.50
	Percent of CPU this job got: 597%
	Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:06.09

about 4 times difference give or take (machines are not the same). It cannot use 800% CPU so itā€™s probably I/O or memory bound (or maybe GHC runtime bound).

Iā€™m trying to get all versions run for comparisons, and post them here. But that will takĆ© some time, as I also have to do ā€œreal workā€, which too much interferes with the benchmark results, so running them aside my work would not be a fair comparison.

Yes, Iā€™ve seen the samĆ© thing with Bodigrimā€™s [sorry, confused you] multithreaded version, it used only 6 (of 10) cores too.

For comparison, the fasted multithreaded Go version (that I have run) by Alexander Yastrebov takes 4 seconds on my computer.

I did run all benchmarks 3 times, every benchmark consists of one warmup (no time taken) and 5 timed runs. The fasted time of these 3 Iā€™ve posted here and rounded to the (absolutely) nearest 1/2 second. As last step I diffed the output with the reference output.
Everything that doesnā€™t need 9.8 is run on GHC 9.6.4 (ghcup version), 9.8.2 for the ones that need 9.8.
Iā€™ve set -threaded -O2 -with-rtsopts=-N and every other options needed by your executables.

Yours is the first one, because it doesnā€™t need any additional fancy command line arguments to GHC :smiley:

It used 7 out of 10 cores and 333MB RAM at most. Time: 11.5s. Output is correct except for negative zeroes -0.0 and a missing newline at the end.

Benchmark 1: ./exe-exe >  solution.txt
  Time (mean Ā± Ļƒ):     11.321 s Ā±  0.062 s    [User: 85.505 s, System: 2.347 s]
  Range (min ā€¦ max):   11.233 s ā€¦ 11.385 s    5 runs

AndrĆ”s KovĆ”csā€™ version: GHC 9.8.2 with option -fllvm added to the default ones.

Does not work with -fllvm on my computer, error is:

opt: Unknown command line argument '-enable-new-pm=0'.  Try: 'opt --help'
opt: Did you mean '--enable-newgvn=0'?

This is with clang 17.0.6, using Appleā€™s default LLVM, it doesnā€™t work either:

<no location info>: error:
    Warning: Couldn't figure out LLVM version!
             Make sure you have installed LLVM between [11 and 16)

While i canā€™t say I appreciate that the MacOS version of GHC doesnā€™t run with the default LLVM, I appreciate the usage of parens for the non-inclusive interval end.

So, installing LLVM 15 and using this (some minor tweaking later ā€¦): the executable throws a runtime error:

exe-exe: app/Main.hs:153:10-17: No instance nor default method for class operation setByteArray#

Jarorā€™s version: GHC 9.8.2 with option -fllvm added to the default ones.
Does not compile because of missing keepAliveUnlifted

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Iā€™ve removed that and updated my gist. It was kind of silly to use that any way.

Thanks, it compiles now, but throws the same runtime error as OndrĆ”Å”ā€™.

Ah, primitive- changed that into a default method. You should be able to fix that error by changing the bounds to:

build-depends: base >= 4.19, bytestring, primitive >=0.9, mmap

Now both of your executables compile, and first benchmarks (ā€œrealā€, faster ones Iā€™m going to post in the evening, now there is a VM running, but still 16GB RAM free).

Your program is acting strange, it needs a bit less RAM (55MB) than the last one that Iā€™ve run before, but now it runs for more than 10 minutes (600s), Iā€™ve stopped it after 10 minutes of runtime.

KovĆ”cs AndrĆ”sā€™ version:

Needs 14.9GB (the data file) RAM, a single thread and about 39s. This is the fastest single thread version by far, 2.4 times as fast as my version. The results are not sorted, so I canā€™t (well I donā€™t want to :wink: comapre them with the reference, but the number of stations is correct and the values do look correct at first glance. There are also negative zeros -0.0 in the results

I see I reduced the hashtable size to 0x1000 while testing. That may have been too small and caused an infinite loop when trying to insert a new entry. Iā€™ve expanded it again in my gist. Can you try again?

Of course. Way better now! 36s and your version is now the fastest one (3s faster than the one by AndrƔs)!

As Iā€™ve said, the ā€œofficialā€ timing happens sometime in the evening (CET) and should yield better values.

@jaror single threaded version, the fastest one so far: 36s

% hyperfine -w 1 -r 5  './exe-exe > ../solution.txt'
Benchmark 1: ./exe-exe > ../solution.txt
  Time (mean Ā± Ļƒ):     35.787 s Ā±  0.046 s    [User: 32.847 s, System: 2.822 s]
  Range (min ā€¦ max):   35.736 s ā€¦ 35.836 s    5 runs

@AndrasKovacs with the second fastest single threaded version by a small margin: 37s

% hyperfine -w 1 -r 5  './exe-exe > ../solution.txt'
Benchmark 1: ./exe-exe > ../solution.txt
  Time (mean Ā± Ļƒ):     36.849 s Ā±  0.102 s    [User: 32.488 s, System: 1.886 s]
  Range (min ā€¦ max):   36.704 s ā€¦ 36.967 s    5 runs
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Nice, I donā€™t run out of memory with the mmap-ed version. I added ā€œshort-string optimizationā€ on the top of it, I get a very nice speedup from that. Now itā€™s 23 seconds on my machine.


Here is a naive implementation of my left-child, right-sibling binary tree idea from above, in Fortran. On 2.8Ghz laptop, it completes 1B rows single threaded in 2m8s: < 4x slower than the best version reported by @ReleaseCandidate. Other than a custom float parser, it is currently naive. When I replace the current linear scan for siblings with an indexed array, I expect a 5-10x improvement. Once the concept is proven, Iā€™ll give it a shot in Haskell, but I think its a good baseline for a structure I havenā€™t seen exploited in any other solution.

Running this twice results in the second run only taking 15.407s on my machine. The first run took 18.160s.


This version now runs in 29s on my computer, 8s less than the previous version. And RAM usage went down to 60MB (-15GB).

% hyperfine -w 1 -r 5  './exe-exe > ../solution.txt'
Benchmark 1: ./exe-exe > ../solution.txt
  Time (mean Ā± Ļƒ):     28.535 s Ā±  0.023 s    [User: 25.609 s, System: 2.818 s]
  Range (min ā€¦ max):   28.505 s ā€¦ 28.556 s    5 runs

I made some modest changes, namely added a more ā€œvectorizedā€ newline search, and doubled the table size. Now itā€™s 22.5 secs for me, so I gained just 1,5 secs. I also experimented with other random changes, but apparently weā€™re getting into the territory where itā€™s hard to predict performance impact even by looking at the core.

I find it very suspicious that we apparently get no benefit from fitting the hashtable into L2, and instead the best choice is to make it large, while still fitting in L3. Normally this would indicate that scanning in table insertion is expensive, but I see nothing especially expensive in the core.