`parallel` library maintainership

I have already opened a GitHub issue about this, but got no response so far: Maintenance · Issue #68 · haskell/parallel · GitHub.

As written in the issue, the parallel library is pretty much abandoned, with the only commits being dependency bumps for more than a year, despite there being plenty open issues and pull requests. Since noone responded so far, I thought I’d start a discussion here, to get some more attention. I’d be happy to help maintain/develop the library, but someone would have to give me access for that (or actively review issues and PRs).


I was just thinking about the Haskell GitHub Trust again today. The parallel package seems like a great candidate for that if the current maintainers would like to hand it over.

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I think it would be better to reserve the trust for packages that do not have anyone interested in maintainership, which is not the case here. Better to give people (individuals or groups) the opportunity for ownership if they are up for it.


Update: @konsumlamm and I have been added as co-maintainers on GitHub. :slight_smile:

