I’m trying to extend herbalizer, which converts HAML templates to ERB format using the Parsec library.
Right now, ruby expression are parsed as single line only: herbalizer/src/Main.hs at master · danchoi/herbalizer · GitHub
rubyExp = do
line <- ((:) <$> char '=' >> spaces >> manyTill anyChar newline <* spaces)
return (RubyExp line)
Indeed, in HAML: “A line of Ruby code can be stretched over multiple lines as long as each line but the last ends with a comma” - File: REFERENCE — Haml Documentation
This is my first attempt at extending that parser expression:
rubyExp = do
char '='
commaLines <- option [] (try $ many commaLine)
line <- manyTill anyChar newline
return (RubyExp $ concat commaLines ++ line)
commaNewline = string ",\n"
commaLine = (++) <$> (manyTill anyChar (try (lookAhead commaNewline))) <*> commaNewline
which only matches a multi-line ruby expression string up until the first newline, even though it ends with a comma. The commaLines
parser, i.e. the many
parser, doesn’t seem to be matching greedily, which is what I was expecting. Where is my thinking error here?
I arrived at a somewhat working solution using this parser expression:
rubyExp = do
char '='
commaLines <- option [] (try $ many commaLine)
line <- manyTill anyChar (try (lookAhead(noneOf "," >> newline)))
lastChar <- noneOf "," <* newline
return (RubyExp $ concat commaLines ++ reverse(lastChar : (reverse line)))
commaNewline = string ",\n"
commaLine = (++) <$> (manyTill anyChar (try (lookAhead commaNewline))) <*> commaNewline
I’m sure this can be expressed more elegantly than this. I’m still very new to Haskell, any help is greatly appreciated!