Plugin Dependency Conflict

I am trying to write a plugin but am having the problem where the ghc package want transformers but the package I want the plugin to modify requires

Since, the compiled plugin objects do not intermix with the compiled project objects it seems like this should not actually be a conflict. Is there a way to resolve this?

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I believe you’d like to have [RFC] Plugin dependencies · Issue #2965 · haskell/cabal · GitHub (I thought it was already implemented…)

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Doesn’t this problem basically make all plugins unusable?

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Doesn’t this problem basically make all plugins unusable?

Not unusable, but plugins add a lot of constraints. I wrote about this just yesterday in About GHC's stability in 2024 (close to the end). You may try to use the -fplugin-library workaround.

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Good writing thanks! Convinced me not to use plugins though.

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