Priorities for upcoming GHC releases

We detail our plans for upcoming GHC releases in a new blog post:

The summary is that we will prioritise work on the 9.10, 9.6 and master branches over work on the 9.8 branch for the coming few months due to time and resource constraints. This does not mean that we are dropping support for GHC 9.8, but that releases in this series might be made at a slower pace than usual.


Thanks for making this explicit! While this will not impact libraries supporting 9.8 (at least mine), this will certainly help big applications when deciding which GHC to support.


So I guess that means both ghcup and stack should target 9.6 and 9.10 for their “recommended” versions/LTSes?


When do you plan to release GHC 9.8.3?

I am asking on behalf of the Stackage team, since we are wondering when to release Stackage LTS 23 (currently Nightly is still on 9.8 and around the same time we would want to move it to 9.10, I think).

When do you plan to release GHC 9.8.3?

There is no planned release date yet, but it will be after 9.10.2 which should be released in the next month.