I have a type equivalence in my constraints that is required but receive the warning -Wredundant-contraints. Is there a way to just disable the warning for the equivalence constraint but not other redundant constraints? Something like -Wno-equivalence-constrints ? If not, should I post this in proposals?
If it is required by GHC says it’s redundant then that’s a bug in GHC. Can you post the code?
It is required in the external not internal context, so I do not think it is a bug.
If in line 30 I use m'
instead of (MonadProgenitor mProgenitor s')
then I get the warning for line 18. I find it annoying not simply using simple m'
Do you mean that it’s not a constraint that the body of focus
needs, but it’s a constraint that you want to impose on callers anyway?
Yes, m'
is just the type result of the type family MonadProgenitor mProgenitor s'
and would have to be explicitly given by the caller, but the mProgenitor is an easier type to pass.