This came up because I wanted to perform tasks asynchronously and then close the file descriptor when done. Specifically I was using fstatat
and openat
while walking a directory, and I wanted to make sure that the directory walk didn’t close the file descriptor while there was still something that was planning on opening the file relative to that directory descriptor.
I can imagine it would be useful for any asynchronous resource-using code.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
module X where
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Concurrent.Counter qualified as Counter (Counter, add, new, sub)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource, ReleaseKey, allocate, release)
data RefCounted a = MkRefCounted
{ refCountedValue :: !a
, refCount :: !Counter.Counter
, refCountKey :: !ReleaseKey
newRefCounted :: Int -> (ReleaseKey, a) -> IO (RefCounted a)
newRefCounted count (key, value) = do
counter <- count
{ refCountedValue = value
, refCount = counter
, refCountKey = key
:: (MonadResource m)
=> Int
-> IO a
-> (a -> IO ())
-> m (RefCounted a)
refCountedAllocate initCount acquire unAcquire =
allocate acquire unAcquire >>= (newRefCounted initCount >>> liftIO)
takeCount :: (MonadResource m) => Int -> forall a. RefCounted a -> m Int
takeCount count refCounted = do
current <- liftIO $ Counter.add refCounted.refCount count
pure $! current + count
freeCount :: (MonadResource m) => Int -> forall a. RefCounted a -> m Int
freeCount count refCounted = do
remaining <- liftIO $ Counter.sub refCounted.refCount count
when (remaining == count) (release refCounted.refCountKey)
pure $! remaining - count