Reference error using JS backend

Hi, I’m working on a port of purescript-halogen to Haskell using JS backend, I got it to a point I can actually run hello world component, but I was hit with a reference error in console when running all.js:

Uncaught ReferenceError: h$baseZCGHCziConcziSynczireportError is not defined
    at new h$Thread (index.js:14342:30)
    at h$main (index.js:15073:11)
    at index.js:87713:1

this identifier is used in the definition of Thread

function h$Thread() {
    this.tid = ++h$threadIdN;
    this.status = (0);
    this.stack = [h$done, 0, h$baseZCGHCziConcziSynczireportError, h$catch_e];

Has anybody seen such an error? For reference my compiler is ghc-9.8.2 cross-compiled from source.
@hsyl20 sorry for ping but you might know what’s up.

EDIT: for reference the repository is here:

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Seems to be fixed after upgrade to 9.10 release though.

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