- I’m working on Day 3 of Advent of Code 2022
- I use functions from the
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map (fromList, lookup)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList, toList)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
type Compartment1 = String
type Compartment2 = String
type CommonItem = Char
main :: IO ()
main = do
raw <- readFile "./data/day_03.txt"
let parsed = lines raw :: [String]
lookupList = Map.fromList $ zip ['a'..'z'] [1..] ++ zip ['A'..'Z'] [27..]
commonItems = map (itemInCommon . divideAndDistinct) parsed :: [CommonItem]
commonItemPriorities = map (getPriority lookupList) commonItems :: [Maybe Integer]
-- Solve part 1 (7428)
print . sum $ map (fromMaybe 0) commonItemPriorities
divideAndDistinct :: String -> (Compartment1, Compartment2)
divideAndDistinct items = (
sort . distinct $ take compartmentSize items,
sort . distinct $ drop compartmentSize items
compartmentSize :: Int
compartmentSize = round $ (fromIntegral $ length items :: Double) / 2
distinct :: String -> String
distinct = Set.toList . Set.fromList
itemInCommon :: (Compartment1, Compartment2) -> CommonItem
itemInCommon (comp1, comp2) = head . map fst . filter snd $ map (itemTest comp2) comp1
itemTest :: Compartment2 -> Char -> (Char, Bool)
itemTest comp2 x = (x, x `elem` comp2)
getPriority lookupList commonItem = Map.lookup commonItem lookupList
This concerns the value lookupList
and the function getPriority
. lookupList
has the type listed by HLS in the screenshot.
Cabal will compile and build without issue.
However, the moment I add the signature from HLS to the code, it gets marked as an error. Cabal will not built this.
The same issue is observed in getPriority
- What is the reason for this behaviour?
- How can I avoid this in future?