So I guess this is really a story about the sorry state of libsecp256k1 bindings. There is a library on hackage libsecp256k1 but it has not been kept up to date with the underlying library so it fails to build and the maintainer has removed the code from github. Another version exists on github secp256k1-schnorr but there is a mistake (that I have communicated to the author) where 64 bytes was being allocated with 32 was expected. A category of error I do not appreciate! I didn’t figure this out until getting the sign and verify working with direct bindings:
verifyE :: Event -> IO Bool
verifyE Event{..}
| idE con == eid = do
signPub <- parsePub . pubkey $ con
(msg', 32) <- getPtr (un32 eid) -- \(msg', 32) ->
(sig', 64) <- getPtr (un64 sig)
(pub', 64) <- getPtr (un64 signPub)
(== 1) <$> schnorrSignatureVerify ctx sig' msg' 32 pub'
| otherwise = pure False
signE :: Hex96 -> Keyless -> IO Event
signE kp keyless = do
content <- keyless <$> exportPub kp
let eid = idE content
(priv, 96) <- getPtr (un96 kp)
sig <- mallocBytes 64
(msg, 32) <- getPtr . un32 $ eid
(salt, 32) <- genSalt
ret <- schnorrSign ctx sig msg priv salt
case ret of
1 -> do
sig' <- Hex64 <$> packPtr (sig, 64)
let newE = Event eid sig' content
trust <- verifyE newE
if trust
then pure newE
-- XXX handle failure?
else undefined -- signE kp keyless
_ -> undefined -- pure $ signE kp c
I have a couple questions.
- How do I know when I need to clean up the memory I’ve allocated?
- Can signing fail? How should I handle the error case?
- The other binding libraries used
but I chose to just keep it in IO? Is there a performance trade-off or some other reason for unsafePerformIO?
Code is here futr2; stack build && stack test. Specific files:
207 src/Nostr/Event.hs
60 src/Secp256k1/Internal.hs
The design space for nostr is interesting. What is complete is the over the wire protocol for both client and relay. It doesn’t seem to me there is any reason that a client shouldn’t also be a relay. Thinking about creating and managing many different identities. Publishing new events over tor to keep privacy. A monomer UI x_x. Discovering, switching and exploring relays. But the next step is the database and am going to try to use Beam and a relational structure that makes queries on Filter-Match options indexed/fast (srcNostr/Relay).
Happy coding out there!