This is kind of silly, but I was going through the Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems exercises, and I just wanted to note that the solutions page for the palindrome exercise is missing an extremely simple and elegant point-free solution using the >>=
isPalindrome :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
isPalindrome = reverse >>= (==)
While the page does include a monadic solution utilizing liftM2
, it might be helpful to include this solution as well. As a newcomer, discovering this solution helped broaden my view of what monads are and how the >>=
operator can be used.
July 8, 2019, 12:14am
Not silly at all, added!
99problems or project-euler are popular starting point, so any
new solution is welcome, consider
requesting an account !
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July 12, 2019, 7:36am
I’m still struggling with monads, list especially…
And due to this beeing pointfree I have even trouble to reverse into pointfull and then do
I think the fully expanded version would help much more.
The important part to remember is that
f >>= g
is equivalent to
\x -> g (f x) x
when f
and g
are functions.
So, for the solution I posted, if f
is reverse
and g
is (==)
, you get:
\x -> (==) (reverse x) x
which is exactly what we want: a function that compares an input with the reverse of the input.
Hope this helps!
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July 23, 2019, 4:15pm
Curiously, (==) <*> reverse
also works. Because a == b
is the same as b == a
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Yep, that’s right! That one is on the solutions page too (named isPalindrome''''