Stack install intero .. error

I install the new version stack.
there are some issus.

āžœ ~ stack install intero
No information from Hackage index, updating
Selected mirror
Downloading timestamp
Downloading snapshot
Downloading mirrors
Verification error: /mirrors.json is expired
Downloading root
Downloading timestamp
Downloading snapshot
Downloading mirrors
Verification error: /mirrors.json is expired
Downloading root
Downloading timestamp
Downloading snapshot
Downloading mirrors
Verification error: /mirrors.json is expired
Downloading root
Downloading timestamp
Downloading snapshot
Downloading mirrors
Verification error: /mirrors.json is expired
Downloading root
Downloading timestamp
Downloading snapshot
Downloading mirrors
Verification error: /mirrors.json is expired
Downloading root
Verification loop. Errors in order:
/mirrors.json is expired
/mirrors.json is expired
/mirrors.json is expired
/mirrors.json is expired
/mirrors.json is expired

āžœ ~ stack --version
Version 2.1.1, Git revision f612ea85316bbc327a64e4ad8d9f0b150dc12d4b (7648 commits) x86_64 hpack-0.31.2

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See links in for details and was resolved