Stackage planning to discontinue Docker Hub images

For a good while we has been building Stackage build container images in CI hosted in (the GitHub Container Registry: see Package stackage/build · GitHub). However we are also still pushing build images based on LTS snapshots to Docker Hub ( It is these latter images which we are considering to stop creating and shipping, since as far as the Stackage team is concerned they are deprecated and obsoleted by the newer images. (It is probably worth adding that Stackage has used github built container images to build Stackage Nightly and LTS snapshots since 2021.)

(Some related issues/queries: GitHub · Where software is built)

While we could just turn off the Docker Hub image generation immediately (every now and then we get someone asking why they have stopped or rather broke), we thought it would be kinder to announce our intention here first and wait to hear if this (ie switching to the images) would cause any problems for those using the images. We will probably wait some weeks or even a couple of months before making the change, in the meantime if you think the images are valuable to you please try the images and if they work please stop using the Docker Hub images.

Most Stackage users should not really need either of these images at all, but they may be useful to those that want to replicate the Stackage build environment. Note also the images no longer include ghc, they are supposed to use the appropriate stack-installed ghc.

Hope this makes sense


I’d just add that we have one issue specifically about deprecating the images published on DockerHub if people are interested: Corralling the proliferation of container images · Issue #7397 · commercialhaskell/stackage · GitHub . It’s basically the same info as what Jens has written here: the Docker images have been superceded in Stackage’s own practices, they probably don’t work, etc. But of course they’re probably still providing some value to somebody somewhere, hence this deprecation notice!


We used to use these at our work, but we’re moving over to these alpine images that @benz0li maintains. If we ever have issues, we’ll check out the / ones.

(Both spellings are written twice, which one is it? :sweat_smile: Probably, right?)


Fixed thank you, Vlix